Evergreen content – constant website traffic

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Organic traffic on the website is essential for ahigh position in the Google search engine. The easiest way to increase it is by publishing new content on your website. However, this should be done carefully, with attention and focus as we can lead to several phenomena that we definitely want to avoid. Content that simply does not become outdated may be a solution here. That is where evergreen content give us a hand.

What is evergreen content?

Evergreen, as the name suggest, refers to plants that do not shed leaves during the winter – in other words, they remain evergreen. If we take this as a metaphor for positioning content, we receive such definition:

Evergreen content is content that never becomes out-of-dated – it constantly generates website traffic.

Although every content that you published can be considered as „eternal”, some forms of it, specifically those related to trends or news, lose recipients interest over time.

What is not evergreen content?

According to the definition mentioned above, these are not temporary trends, news or data that are closely related to a specific period of time.

To put it clearly, let’s analyze the following example: in 2020 no one will be interested in the most popular clothes for the last summer season. However, events that are interactive (such as the elections or the Olympic Games), may be a good topic for articles, as they REGULARLY become relevant to many people.

Evergreen content bet on content that is „universal” and equally important every time.

Ideas for evergreen content for your website

You already know the most important feature that this type of content must have in order to attract constant website traffic. You have to simply stick to things that may be relevant to people, regardless of the year, month, or one-time event.

However, it is equally important to find such issue within the subject matter on your website. It may not be easy – some industries are more time-dependent than another (e.g. tourism). Fortunately, there are a few formats that you can use regardless of the type of website, and which are common tool that will help you create evergreen content:

  • lists;
  • tips on a specific topic;
  • guides;
  • product reviews

Which one to choose?

Knowing the specifics of your branch of industry and the thematic scope of the materials published on your website, you can create many combinations using the elements from the above list.


If you run an online shop, you can create list of things that are recommended for beginners in a given field (i.e. shoes for mountain trekking).

If you run a service point, you can create a collection of tips (i.e. either hair styling methods if you own barbershop or homemade ways of cleaning shoes whether you have your own shoe shop, etc.).

Evergreen content – advantages

In addition to generating constant website traffic, this type of content can bring you one more important benefit – creation of professional brand image. When a potential customer comes across such content on your website, he or she will believe that you are a specialist in this field.

However, to gain such benefits, there are a few things you have to keep in mind when creating evergreen content. First of all, adepts of a given issue are your default target group – a person who can take professional photos will not seek advice for beginners. For this reason, you should provide simple, understandable language without any specialized concepts. Be precise and keep it short – otherwise, the potential reader may be discouraged or even lose interest.

Evergreen content must not completely replace the content you have published on your website. Gaining reach by selecting new keywords, as well as reacting to current events is also important. On the other hand, it is a good idea to include some evergreen content on your website, especially for the most popular key phrases. Thanks to this, the website traffic should remain constant.

Jan Susmaga

By education - philologist / linguist, by current profession - proofreader and copywriter, by interest - a bit of everything. He enjoys writing, reading both prose and non-fiction (mainly scientific), watching horror movies, training martial arts, trying new things.

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