Authentic copywriting when running a blog – is it worth it?

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Content – like gait and speech – remains different for every person. Which style is the best is a question left without answer. It will be always unanswered probably. However, we can easily see that intimate blogs that use authentic copywriting are extremely popular. So, let’s check what influences this state of affairs and whether is it worth writing texts „in harmony with ourselves”.

What is authentic copywriting?

The definition is quite intuitive:

Authentic copywriting means writing texts in your own style.

The content is usually characterized by casual style, honesty, as well as “me” or “I” usage. However, it depends on the group of recipients.

The basis, to be honest, is the fact that the author does not create texts according to the nature of the company, but uses owned style, which can be seen and become visible at first glance in published articles. Why does such a procedure take place? What makes authenticity so desirable?

Authentic copywriting – pros

Writing in your own style brings benefits for both the readers and the author.

Firstly, people tend to focus on their interests when reading texts from a specific groups. They like to read about things they know, but do not necessarily spend their time deliberately searching for new websites and blogs with different concepts.

Authentic copywriting is a great solution to keep your readers’ attention longer. Some recipients get used to particular writing styles by visiting the website more often. This way, loyalty drives itself as each authentic article brings in new readers and retains the old ones.

Secondly, the lack of framework and limits helps authors remain independent and focus on writing. This means that texts are created faster and are characterized by lightness, reliability and large semantic diversity.

Authentic copywriting – cons

As it turned out in recent years, this type of writing is almost free from defects! Its use is still expanding as it become universal and effective copywriting strategy even for the largest companies.

Authentic copywriting was only used while writing blog entries and on the freelance websites in recent years. It was believed that large enterprises had to be fully professional, sticking to a rigid business framework. Today, however, we know that „authentic” does not mean „amateur”.

This type of copywriting is characterized by high user activities and their interest, so it is more and more often used in content marketing – even among law firms! For this reason, it is worth considering such an approach and remember about authenticity in future.


  1. Authentic copywriting is based on creating interesting content in your own and characteristic style.
  2. Such a procedure speeds up writing of the texts, as well as increases readers engagement. In addition, regular entries bring regular recipients who are more likely to identify with the author’s statements.
  3. Authenticity is a feature that not only improves blog functioning, but also supports marketing activities. For this reason, it is even more often the object of interest of various companies.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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