How many times a month should I publish blog articles?

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Every company that make use of content marketing does not want to spend their whole time and effort in vain. Effects are expected, and to see them, duties must be done wisely and in a planned manner. One of the elements of the strategy is, of course, the frequency of publishing articles on the company blog. However, how often should the texts be posted on the blog in practice in order to obtain optimal benefits? About it in the following article.

The frequency of blog articles

Nowadays it is obvious that work and heart put into texts creation is not the only component that ensure company success. Entrepreneurs come up with many copywriting strategies and ideas in order to maximize the scale of the effect that texts bring. We are talking here about organic traffic, as well as reaching potential customers and increasing sales.

No wonder that the frequency of posting blog articles is considered as one of the factors that influences the benefits obtained from copywriting. After all, it makes a difference whether we post one article a day or two a month, doesn’t it?

How often should I post articles on my blog?

It turns out, however, that there is no obvious answer to this question. Proper planning of key phrases plays a much greater role, mostly because it let you create accurate content that will help you reach the group of interested readers. In other words, topics need to be thought through in order to generate traffic, as the amount of content is of minor importance.

This does not mean, however, that the frequency of publication of blog articles does not matter. Firstly, we cannot predict exactly which articles written on the basis of popular keyword phrases will be successful and appear high in search results. There is not something like too much content – more means better. Secondly, website traffic is generated from various subpages and articles in most cases, and long tail key phrases can bring the most valuable users to your website.

Therefore, the principle that states the quantity influences the effects works well in such case, especially if we combine it with the appropriate keywords and the substantive blog articles.

How often do I publish blog articles in practice?

Let’s finally move with the considerations mentioned above to the numbers – what does „optimally” mean?

Most companies publish blog articles 4 times a month, which is around 5000 characters with spaces per week. It is not enough to dominate the competition with content marketing.

The number of articles on a company blog usually ranges from a few to several dozen texts, so it takes a few months for a new company to catch up. If your competitors have posted 20 blog articles and you plan to publish two articles a week, your content resources will be greater after the first 3 months.

There is no top-down number of articles that will bring immediate marketing benefits. Every text generate website traffic. If we sum them up, we will receive an arsenal to use in the fight against the competition. One article will not do much – the same as twenty inconsistent texts.

The frequency of publishing blog articles – guidelines

Although the answer depends on several factors, you need to follow few simple rules:

  • Google values regularity – even though the final position of the website depends on many factors (including unknown ones), one of them is probably the current activities on the website. It is good to post entries regularly – do not neglect your company blog.
  • The results are influenced not only by the number of articles, but also by the activities of your competition – if other companies from your branch of industry have a strong link profile and publish a lot content as well, then the results will take much more time and work. However, you do not have to worry – in fact, many entrepreneurs neglect copywriting activities, so if you work diligently in a short time, you can build your position. Do market research and define your resources. Think also about opportunities and possible actions.
  • In order to dominate your competition, pay attention not only to volume, but also the quality – you need to plan the number of articles per month in order to outperform your competitors. As we have already mentioned, more almost always mean better, which is why this is a basic goal that should be set at the very beginning. However, apart from that, you need to remember about the quality – make sure that your content describes the specific branch of industry more professionally and comprehensively than other companies. Thanks to it, you will create an expert image of the company and gain recognition in the eyes of potential customers.

How often should we post articles on company blog? The answer depends on the specifics of your industry, as well as competitor’s activities. Measure your intentions and choose keywords that are frequently typed in the search engine. And above all: be consistent – blog articles base is created for months and years, not with a one-time effort.

If you wan to entrust running a blog to a copywriter, write us – we will take care of the entire strategy and most importantly – the development of effective texts for your industry!

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Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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