Content plan – how to create it?

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The right strategy is an inseparable element of effective content writing. Precise planning of activities significantly reduces the amount of work required to achieve the results you desire. Today, we will discuss how to prepare an individual content plan so it meets company’s specific needs.

Content planning – what does it depend on?

In order to create the perfect content marketing plan, you need to know what are its factors.

Let us emphasize right away that there are many variables, therefore selecting individual actions is neither easy nor quick. The market is a complex and dynamic, so people who are in need of ready-made answers and universal solutions may feel disappointed. A dense network of dependencies requires knowledge and commitment, not blind search for a success recipe – it does not even exist.

In theory, the basic elements used to create content plan are:

  • Group of recipients / target group – depending on the industry, readers may have specific education degree level, expectations and needs. So, the use of professional nomenclature should be adjusted to relationship between clearness and professionalism.
  • Branch of industry – it also has a significant impact on the content. B2B and B2C relationships differ significantly, especially if it comes to content creation and its distinctive features. For example: content created for law firm will differ significantly from descriptions prepared for a clothing shop in terms of its nature, reliability and formal style.
  • Brand – the developing image of the company also manifests itself when formulating sales messages.
  • Marketing resources – already existing content is an indication of what types of text should be develop next in order to maintain the proper proportion. For example, if the website already has many articles, maybe the development of offer subpages will be a more lucrative direction?
  • Actions of the competitions – the measure of the effectiveness of such actions is not only the effort entrepreneurs put in, but also the age and size of the opponent, which must be exceeded, so we can achieve results. This is especially important in case of positioning, as the places in the research engine ranking that remain visible are strictly limited (TOP10). Remember what are your intentions, strengths and weaknesses – a small online shop which fight for a popular keyword will not only find it difficult, but also expensive. Make your expenses meaningful so it is easier for you to implement marketing activities.
  • Budget – financial capacity is a direct indicator of how much content can you create. This, in turn, has an impact on the type of content you invest in. For example, the small online shop we have already mentioned should not invest in extensive category descriptions, if it does not take care of product descriptions earlier. Only such sort of action will bring business results faster (in the form of higher conversion).

How to create content plan?

If you already know what to take into account, move on to practice, i.e. specific activities consisting in obtaining data that will facilitate the creation of a content plan. These activities can be divided into three categories: internal interview, external analysis and work scheduling.

Internal interview

Before we move on to refined marketing techniques, let’s focus on a simpler thing – the way we talk to the client. Such conversation will help you better understand issues related to the business goal, the characteristics of the industry and the company, as well as the budget. If there are statistical researches carried out in the enterprise, learn more about the target customer group.

This stage is a perfect time to set priorities and decide what is the scope of activities. However, in order to predict the potential effects, it is important to explore the market at the beginning.

External analysis

According to the famous maxim „measure your strength for intentions”, you must define what your marketing resources have in common with the competition.

To achieve this, you need to check the amount of content and link profile so far. Then, compare these parameters with related subpages.


If the priority of a small shop is to attract customers, and the competition is not only well-established, but also ranks high on Google, you should avoid the open fight (which are extensive articles, category descriptions and subpages for popular key phrases) – analyze market gaps instead and focus on long-tail phrases in order to efficiently acquire traffic with a small amount of work and time spend on it. If the shop starts to generate profits and strengthen its position in the search engine ranking, you can move on to more lucrative phrases and add more and more competitive articles.

This is an example of the correct strategy when creating content. We do not omit any solutions, but we adapt our actions to the current possibilities so that permanent results appear without any sudden expenses.

Timing is the key and the essence of a successful content plan.

Work scheduling

We already know what is the market situation, as well what are the goals and capabilities of our company. Let’s move on and take specific actions.

Selection of keywords is the starting line here. After you do so, decide on the basis of which you will carry our further analysis (is it title of the article or the headings on the offer subpage). We can do it manually or with the use of dedicated tools.

The next step is to choose an attractive topic that will attract customers’ attention. Here we can use AnswerThePublic program, although you can bet on your own creativity.

With such a defined content plan, there is nothing else to do then… get down to the business! We have analyzed a lot of factors that influence the selection of activities. Now it is high time to get the job done and track the results.


As you can see, content planning is a multi-stage process, but it is an inevitable cost of professionalism that must be incurred for precise and effective content. Strategic planning is gaining popularity, so it means that all the efforts are worth the trouble.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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