How to order the texts that convert?

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Conversion is the primary measure of the effectiveness of texts. A copywriter writes to sell, engage recipients or build brand recognition. There are many goals, but it all comes down to conversion. That is why it is important for copywriters to be able to adjust the content appropriately so that the recipients do what we expect them to do. In the following article, we will explain how to write texts that convert.

What is conversion?

Conversion is the performance of a specific goal by the client.

In the past, the only measurable conversion was sales. Currently, we analyse many other parameters, so-called “sales stages”. The most fundamental are:

  • building brand recognition – conversion is measured by the number of people who will remember your company;
  • engaging recipients – users who respond to corporate marketing messages (such as entries on the website and posts on the social media) are the measure rate here;
  • sales – here it is a number of transactions that have been carried out.

In general, almost every goal of ours can be conversion. Other examples of such actions are:

  • entering the website,
  • clicking on „contact” button,
  • subscribing to a company’s newsletter,
  • adding a product to the basket.

These are indicators that can be measured, so it is easy to observe and talk about the effectiveness of the offer in relation to the actions taken.

Defining the goal is important for a copywriter who arranges the conversion texts adapted to a particular sales stage.

With the help of such content, you can build brand recognition, persuade recipients to buy, as well as invite customers to visit your website

There are many possibilities. Let’s discuss what the content looks like depending on the desired effects and goal.

How to write texts that convert?

There is no ready-made recipe for effective texts. If it existed, all companies would be profitable. Even though, one issue is certain: the text with high conversion rate is individually adapted to the intended purpose.

The sales content has different character if we compare it to the message that build recognition. Not only goals, but also group of recipients and characteristic of each company should be taken into account.


The content for potential clients of a law firm is significantly different from the content for local bakery visitors.

It is extremely important whether the message is understood by as many people as possible. Therefore, any converting content must be closely tailored to its readers. Texts that are too difficult and complex will be ignored, and texts that are too general will not provide any optimal results.

Now, let’s move on to some specific examples of how to create texts that convert for basic marketing purposes.

Build recognition

Texts that build recognition must be extremely simple and understandable, mostly because they are intended for a large group of recipients.

It needs to be a little message that will be associated with the company. Sentences and advertising slogans will work, especially if they are rhythmic.

It is believed that an effective text that builds recognition is difficult to create as it requires a lot of creative power – the content must be short and at the same time it must reflect company’s soul.

Engage your recipients

Influencing other people with your text is not easy – it requires psychological knowledge combined with copywriting skills. In addition, this type of texts must be dynamic – the content that converts will vary significantly on different days of each month.

When formulating an engaging text, address message to your audience directly. Originality is a key, as it will break the barrier of ignorance.

Call to action might be found helpful. It is a simple encouragement, such as “What do you think about it?”

Unfortunately, in the case of engaging recipients, no further guidelines can be defined, as the activities depend on a character of every company and the current market situation. You have to target the recipients’ needs, but there is no ready recipe for that.

Even though, it is worth analysing the statistics. Thanks to the data, it is possible to come up with messages that bring recipients to action to your website in order to form further, converting content on this basis.


Can you sell with content? Of course! If it were not this way, copywriters would lose their job immediately.

The specificity of the sales content depends on:

  • the character of the company
  • group of the recipients
  • as well as on the preceding sales stages

The common feature of the issues mentioned above is the language of benefits. According to it, the offer should inform recipients about the specific benefits of the purchase. It is very important to show your company’s strengths and present what distinguishes your offer from the competition.


  • Several sales stages can be distinguished. The most popular are building brand recognition, engaging recipients and sales.
  • Content that convert is influenced by many dynamic factors. Two most important are the marketing goal and the target audience.
  • Experience and observation of the results are the basis of creation of the effective texts.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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