What studies should a copywriter graduate from?

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Copywriting is a profession that continues to grow in importance. However, the degree that you have to obtain and studies to finish in order to become copywriter have not been clearly defined yet. Due to the popularity of Internet marketing, many companies buy professional content. No wonder that young people want to prepare in the best possible way for this profession. In the following article, we take a closer look at what studies a copywriter should complete.

Copywriting studies

The provision of copywriting services does not require a diploma from any specific field of study.

The lack of legal and solid grounding results in the situation, when everyone can call themselves a copywriter. However, if it comes to delivering content of the highest quality, some fields of study are regarded as helpful.


Regardless of the language in which we intend to create professional texts, philology will prepare us the best for this. The basic background of this studies is language and literature, which allows graduates to develop linguistic correctness and to build complex sentences at ease.

Obtaining such a stable fundaments, copywriter duties can be run more efficiently. It also allows you to create more professional content. Philology is a great option for creative people, mostly because it bring the penmanship in the “state of weightlessness”.

If it comes to delivering content of the highest quality, completing some fields of study may be regarded as helpful.

Thematic degree courses

It may come as a surprise to many, but studying a specific, strict field of industry is an extremely valuable for every copywriter. The demand for thematic writers, also so called content writers increases. Such a person must obtain an extensive knowledge in a specific branch in order to create reliable and valuable texts. If someone is good with words and studies mechatronics for example, then this person can successfully write expert articles on the subject of machine construction or electronic systems.

On the other hand, we observe an increasing amount of information available on the Internet, so we can develop great articles by doing thematic research. Nevertheless, we want to make you aware that working with a text is not reserved only for philology graduates – copywriting can become a profession even of a person that is studying science.

Which field of study should I choose?

There is no ready answer to what studies a copywriter should finish. Choosing the degree depends on what content you want to implement. The market needs both sales content and professional expert articles.

A copywriter acquires a large part of knowledge while practicing his profession. Marketing news, demand for specific types of texts which is changing dynamically and SEO algorithms updates are issues that are not keen on being implemented into the canon of university education. For this reason, we have not mentioned marketing degrees intentionally (due to the fact that knowledge is often out-of-date).

Acquiring the rules that increase the effects from the texts does not require several years of study. Thematic competences and philology are undoubtedly the studies of the highest value and make copywriting professional on the market in the eyes of recipients.

It is worth mentioning once again that copywriter constantly processes a large amount of information, so the texts are better and better – higher value come along with increasing experience. Practice makes perfect – that maxim fits perfectly into the profession of copywriting.


  1. No degree or studies are required to provide copywriting services.
  2. Nevertheless, philology and thematic directions are two solutions that build a solid basis for the copywriter profession.
  3. Experience and continuous acquisition of knowledge (not only at the university) is equally important.
  4. The goal of every copywriter is to create professional content, so regardless of whether you choose degree at the university, internship or your own business – the effectiveness of texts is about what you have in your head, not on diploma.

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Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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