Features of quality – features of every copywriter

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Today’s copywriting market is incredibly diverse. In the following article, we will examine the causes of this condition. What are the features that distinguish the average copywriter from the perfect writer? How is it that some people sell with text, while others are unable to do it? Get to know the features of a perfect copywriter!

The most important features of a copywriter

First, we need to establish that the work of a copywriter, content writer and any other journal-related professions is not limited only to creation of the content. Although writing texts is the basis of cooperation with companies, some writers forget about everything else that creates professionalism.

That is why we will cover not only issues related to skills, but also organization and communication. Only the combination of all these features provide a satisfactory and lucrative cooperation.


The overriding issue that clients pay attention to is the quality of the texts.

There is no doubt that a job well done is the main measure of the expected results. Incorrect and dull content is simply ineffective and is a disadvantage in itself, which is why the copywriter must be diligent in approaching all assignments.

Reliability come along with an honest exploration and look through the topic, creating an interesting substantive value and putting it in understandable, attractive language. This procedure is tantamount to difficult and time-consuming work, but it provides unique texts of the highest quality.

A good copywriter does not take shortcuts and does not fill the piece of paper with nothing, but carefully introduces each sentence to create a perfect whole. Of course, this requires persistence and a lot of effort, which not every writer can cope with. Therefore, some people copy other people’s texts, and others make up with useless information.

However, there are also those who, with their knowledge and experience, undertake honest work and create effective content tailored to the individual needs and goals of the company. Therefore, reliability is undoubtedly an inherent feature of a good copywriter.


The organization and time management concerns everyone. It is not only the copywriter who has to deal with it, but also the company that ordered content, which often reserves the publication or maintains a constant periodic nature of entries. Any delays are not just a matter of tact or image – they can have a negative impact on the company’s profits.

Timeliness is a basic feature that prevents this type of unpleasant situation. A good copywriter is aware that the client manage company’s time in relation to the order and expects texts at a specific time.

The delays are not the result of low processing capacity or copywriter skills, but the lack of organization.

When setting the deadline, the writer determines in advance when he or she will create the content. If the copywriter fails to stick to his or her decisions, it is only copywriter fault – or more precisely, it comes as a result of lack of strategy, poor calculation or laziness.

There are, of course, individual random cases, and we can allow this delays, but – as the name says – they are ruled by fate, not organization and self-management. Therefore, an exemplary copywriter, excluding events beyond his or her control, is always on time and delivers the ordered texts on time.


Every order requires individual copywriting in order to match and tailor the content to the group of recipient and its specificity to the company. Writing according to templates or patterns has a negative impact on the final result, which is why it is a bad practice that professional copywriter do not even want to think about.

An exemplary writer must be open to new solutions and experiences, approaching each assignment with a new perspective.

Each company has its own business policy, and thus, different concepts and expectations regarding the text. A copywriter who stays open can not only adapt, but also give advice, suggest and propose different solutions. Writers that have gained a lot of experience in their profession can advise you and show how to get the most benefits out of the copywriting.


Mutual contact is very important during cooperation, as it allows you to implement changes and improvements to the original design as an ongoing idea.

A good copywriter should efficiently implement corrections and modifications in order to update and improve the order.

This is quite important feature for urgent orders, such as for articles for magazines or scripts.

It is worth noting that communication is essential at every stage of cooperation. Initially, it allows the copywriter to clarify the details and understand all expectations regarding the order, and finally – implement comments and corrections so that the client accepts the final project. We can see now how mutual communication plays an important role in a copywriter’s work.


A copywriter should not only create professional texts, but also be professional. This means that the client is clearly guided through all stages of cooperation.


Before the execution of the order, a copywriting agreement should be drawn up – it includes elements such as the transfer of proprietary copyrights, as well as a confidentiality clause.

All information given for the purposes of text creation may be a company secret, so it is worthwhile to comply with the formalities.

The approach to settlements should also be professional, i.e. determining the form and time of issuing the settlement document. A good copywriter clearly informs the client:

  • what is the price for 1000 characters with spaces
  • when should the company pay for the order
  • what is the cost of correction implementation

If the client skip these arrangements and receives a text that does not satisfy the recipient, while the modification bring an additional cost, disagreements resulting from the cooperation will arise.

Therefore, a professional copywriter should establish clear terms and costs of the cooperation. Thanks to this, the client feels safe and knows exactly what to expect.


  • The features of a good copywriter include not only writing talent, but also interpersonal and organizational skills.
  • Successful cooperation is influenced by effective content, mutual communication, a professional approach and several other features that are not limited to writing only.

Dear writer, we hope that after reading this article you know exactly what to pay attention to in order to make your client satisfied.

Dear client, we believe that thanks to this article you have realized what to expect from a good copywriter.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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