Content Writer services now available in 46 countries

Expansion in foreign markets is in full swing. Content Writer provides its services on five continents, in 46 countries, such as the United States, Estonia, France, and Japan.

Global map of our services

Dynamic globalization of Content Writer

We talk about the expansion of Content Writer agency with its CEO, Bartosz Ciesielski, who will tell us about the organization’s future plans and share tips with those planning to start selling abroad.

Bartek, when was the decision made to enter foreign markets?

Quite quickly, basically just three years after we started. Content Writer is based on creating and processing information, so we quickly recognized that geographical barriers do not exist, and international reach will be the engine of our development. Of course, the real challenge was to turn vision into action, as each market is governed by its language, legal system, and most importantly, audience expectations. This is especially true for Asian countries, where the cultural distance requires completely different sales methods than those we are used to in Europe.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Can you give a quick example of how content writing differs… let’s say in Japan?

Of course, these are fascinating issues. A Japanese reader pays attention to the prestige of the brand and its recognizability. Price, value, and features of a given product come second, which is somewhat the opposite of what we encounter in our market. This, as we know, forces the use of different accents in the content. The language-culture marriage is so strong that for this reason, we cooperate exclusively with local copywriters in each market.

46 countries – how can the agency meet their organizational needs?

For us, the key assumption was to not function as a strictly agency model in the foreign market. A year ago, we implemented a special content marketing platform that supports our organization in accepting orders and delivering texts. It is the pillar of our globalization, although, of course, we also provide services abroad that are expected from an agency, such as developing strategies or consulting with clients – and our foreign partners who know their market well help us with that. But generally speaking, where technology can support us, it does.

What’s next? Which other countries has Content Writer set its sights on?

Currently, we want to consolidate our forces in the existing markets, so we are not thinking about further expansion. At the moment, we are focusing on human resources and adapting the platform to the expectations of individual countries. So, both programming and recruitment work is ongoing. We still need native copywriters and strategic partners who will help maximize the quality of our services.

Bartek, finally… can you give some advice on how to effectively enter other markets?

I think this is a very interesting question that most entrepreneurs should keep in mind. After all, international or even continental reach involves completely different numbers from those we encounter in the context of a single country. Moreover, contemporary capabilities mean that past difficulties, such as language barriers or cultural chasms, are no longer impossible to overcome.

When focusing on online sales, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of a national domain, a universal .com, or a slightly more “modernist” .co. Any other URL may reduce users’ trust in the site, although new extensions have been functioning in the market for a while and this might start to change soon.

As I come from a content marketing background, I recommend website SEO as the main long-term path to reach audiences; unfortunately, paid ads can be significantly more expensive over several years.

Even with full digitization of a company, it is worth considering cooperation with a foreign representative, especially if there will often be conversations with foreign contractors by design. The language-cultural distance between continents is still very significant, and maintaining correspondence even with the help of an experienced translator may not be the optimal solution in the long run.

Thank you very much for your time and a wealth of valuable tips.

Thank you too!

Julia Markiewicz

Julia is responsible for the company's blog - she plans topics, edits articles and publishes them on the site. She takes care of the high quality and attractiveness of the content. She values order and good organization of time in both her professional and private life.

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