Meta description and meta title – how to create them?

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Meta description and meta title are two descriptions that appear in the search engines. They encourage to enter the website and indirectly increase positioning. Therefore, we will carefully look at how to create meta description and meta title in order to achieve the best results.

Meta description – text that attracts recipients

Regardless of whether we optimize a subpage, home page or article – we can modify the meta-description that appears in the search engine. It has one basic purpose, which is to persuade users to visit the site.

Meta description of the website of the Content Writer Agency.
The longer description displayed in organic results is meta-description.

It has been a decade since the amount of key phrases in meta-description does not formally affect positioning. However, attractive texts improve the click-through rate (CRT), which already significantly translates into higher organic traffic.

The meta descriptions length limit is +/– 156 characters.

If we exceed this number, Google will automatically cut the text by inserting ellipsis at the end. Some plugins, such as YoastSEO, have an upper limit for visibility automatically.

What are the features of effective meta description?

  1. Attractiveness – make it clear to the users. What will they gain when they visit your website? Depending on the case, answer the questions “What will they learn?”, “What will they know?”, “What will they benefit from?”, etc.
  2. Directness – the description needs to be addressed to the recipient, i.e. while creating content use “you” only! Many people make the mistake of making the text too informative. It is only 156 characters, so you need to encourage users to visit your website. All substantive content and difficult phrases have their place in the article or subpage.
  3. CTA (Call To Action) – in order to increase conversion efficiency, call your audience to action. Words such as “Come in!”, “Find out!”, “Check!” when subjected to “dry” analysis might sound trivial, but they really attract users.

Moreover, some people suggest including keywords in the meta description. This is correct approach, as such a procedure automatically improves the reliability and clarity of the text. If your phrase is “men’s shoes”, a natural feature of a good description is that it will include the phrase “men’s shoes”

Meta title – solid title is the basis

While the description attracts the audience, the title clearly tells what the article or subpage is about. This is due to the fact that the meta-title has +/– 75 characters, so we do not have much room for maneuver. This is long enough to fit a text title with a short CTA such as “Check!”, “Look!” or the general name of the page.

Meta title of the website of the Content Writer Agency.
Meta-title is a phrase that show up in the search engines’ results.

Therefore, we usually have two options: title + CTA or title + separator + website title. We prefer the first option, mostly because the name of the website can be seen as the link.

Meta title usually contains a key phrase as it is a natural part of the title. Some sources suggest that each word should start with a capital letter in order to gain more attention from the user. This is a rare practice, but can still be found effective in order to stand out from the competition.

Meta-texts - FAQ

We are answering to the most common meta-title and meta-description problems.

What are meta-texts?

These are the content displayed in the search results. Meta-title is the top title and meta-description can be found below it.

How long should meta-texts be?

The length limit for a meta-title is ~ 75 characters, while for a meta-description it is ~ 156 characters. The final result depends on the width of the letters used (for example, the letter “R” takes up more space than “I”).

What to do with the meta-texts that have been cut?

Google itself assesses whether to use a meta tag or display a piece of content that will be relevant to the user’s query. For this reason, meta-title and meta-description will not always be displayed – even when they are perfectly completed. It is a common procedure, so it should not be a cause for concern. The automated evaluation of the algorithms means that we do not have much room for maneuver than simply completing the meta-texts.

Do my meta-texts improve SEO?

Officially, meta-texts do not contribute to increase SEO results. However, remember that they are used to encourage recipients to visit your website. In turn, a higher visitor rate results in increased organic traffic.

Is it worth to complete meta-title and meta-description gaps?

It is not obligatory, because if the field is empty, the search engine will “borrow” the appropriate text fragment. However, it is worth doing in order to develop the most encouraging texts that will encourage recipients to visit your website.


  1. Meta description and meta title are descriptions displayed in search engines.
  2. They catch attention by encouraging recipients to visit the website.
  3. Although they have not been a significant ranking factor for a long time, they improve CTR, which translates indirectly into positioning.
  4. Meta title and meta description are texts that are created exclusively for users. For this reason, it is important to make them transparent and attractive.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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