Minimalism in Copywriting

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Copywriting seems to be a very tempting prospect, because it gives you the opportunity to earn money from your passion for writing. Although until recently the profession of a copywriter was treated with neglect, content writers are now appreciated. How to write interesting, creative texts? What is minimalism in copywriting and why is it so important?

What is minimalism in copywriting?

Minimalism in copywriting is the ability to write concisely, but to the point – depending on the potential of a given issue.

The article should exhaust the topic, but it is not worth adding more paragraphs just to increase the volume of the text.

Copywriting is creating usable content. Their main task is to induce the recipient to a specific action. It is an interesting profession that requires a lot of creativity and focus. It’s not enough to just write. If you want to write good texts, they have to be simple, short and specific.

Start by collecting the necessary information, use appropriate headings and bullet points. Write lightly, don’t worry about the form, the time to edit the text will come later. At the editing stage, analyze your text for stylistic and grammatical errors, get rid of unnecessary words, sentences or paragraphs, leave the essence alone, i.e. the text that will have specific value for the reader.

Why is it important to write simply and how to do it?

Nowadays, the pace of life is dizzying, what’s more, we are bombarded with various types of messages every day, which very often leads to psychophysical overload. Most of us have serious problems paying attention for more than a few minutes, which is why reading usually ends with catchy headlines and first paragraphs. To be able to hold the reader’s attention, the message must therefore be short and specific. Do not try to use complex sentences and metaphors, remember that copywriting is not literature. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to please everyone, so target your message at a specific group of readers.

Here are some basic rules that are worth considering if you want to create a good text in accordance with the principle of minimalism:

  • focus on the uniqueness of the article;
  • provide only useful, specific information;
  • express yourself clearly and briefly, avoid flowery phrases;
  • take care of a varied vocabulary;
  • avoid using colloquial language and promises;
  • follow the inverted pyramid principle, i.e. put the most important information at the beginning of the text.

How to write better and better texts using the principle of minimalism?

The ability to write is not inborn, although everyone who has graduated from school can do it, but if you want to create creative, good texts, continuous writing practice is necessary.

  1. First of all, read books regularly, this practice brings more benefits than you might think. Reading expands vocabulary, provides new knowledge and increases creativity. In addition, it improves memory and concentration, and also inspires.
  2. Second, turn off your inner critic, try to master your perfectionism. In the process of creation, an open mind is the most important thing, so let your thoughts flow freely and transfer them to “paper” without embarrassment. Proofread and edit the text at the end.
  3. Third, just write a lot and often. Keeping a diary may be a good idea. Expressive writing, i.e. the free transfer of thoughts to paper, is a good way to develop your writing skills, but also to relieve stress and emotional tension. Very often it is treated as a therapeutic method, because it helps to calm the mind.


  • Minimalism in copywriting is the ability to write concisely and to the point depending on the potential of a given issue.
  • Do you want to write good texts in accordance with the principle of minimalism? Write short, simple and to the point. This is the best way to create an interesting, useful article.
  • Polish your writing skills by reading, reject perfectionism, play with words.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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