Real time marketing content (RTM) – stay tuned

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There are a lot of factors that determine whether your content sells with success. The effects are linked to many dependencies, but in some situations the greatest benefit is provided by such a simple parameter as… time! In today’s article, we will discuss content creation in relation to real time marketing, thanks to which you will make better use of future opportunities.

What is real time marketing?

It is one of those types of definition where the name itself basically explains the essence of the given matter.

Real time marketing (RTM) are marketing activities focused on current topics that are quite popular (usually within a narrow time frame).

Due to the fact that a given topic is in the spotlight, content related to it is characterized by greater reach and broaden activities, which affect better marketing results.

Of course, it all comes under the condition of the appropriate use of the time frame, and thus grabbing your moment – when the issue is on the top, but not yet spotted and discussed by the competition. The more responsive is the topic to RTM, the faster it “runs out of time”. For this reason, too late reaction drastically reduces the beneficial effects, not arousing such interest among recipients.

Content or real time marketing

It might seem that time, not the content, is important in case of RTM. However, you need to remember that copywriting effects are not affected by single factor – even in this situation.

A dull, gray entry will not receive a good results regardless of the timing. To make use of the full potential of real time marketing, content must not have any loose ends.

For this reason, get familiar with the following tips:

  • Play with the emotions of the recipients – impressions generate strong reactions, and hence popularity, therefore top topics are usually populist, easy to read, while the group of recipients and readers is extremely diverse and chaotic. Use the fundamental principles of B2C copywriting, as your content should be similar to this.
  • Catch recipient’s eye with a distinctive introduction – the first paragraph of the entry must be clearly related to the topic used in the RTM. Banner blindness among the audience is progressing, but the satirical slogan or controversial headline can still attract recipients quite effectively.
  • Be creative – unfortunately, pressing topics with a large audience are not suitable for academic discourses for marketing purposes. Bet on the unconventional approach to this issue!


  • Real time marketing is a strategy that you just need to know about. It is a must.
  • Although there is a lot of spontaneity in it, it is worth betting on activities that provide “bonus” in the form of a multiplied reception.
  • You already know what the basis of attractive content is, so follow the trends and news!

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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