Content marketing and SEO – perfect combination!

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Efficient positioning is the goal of almost all companies, while content marketing is an effective tool to achieve this. More and more copywriters move from sales content to valuable articles. In the following article, we will discuss how SEO and content marketing work and why these play such a large role in today’s business strategy.

SEO and content marketing – how to they work?

The visibility of the company in the search engines is the basis. Thanks to it, you will win your customers’ hearts. No wonder that entrepreneurs take all measures to be the top of the top.

On the other hand, Google pays special attention to it and display useful content to users only when it meets their needs to the maximum extent possible. In other words, the search engine is the place that shows the most adequate answers to the query. Content marketing strategy fits perfectly with this idea, as it involves the publication of substantive and comprehensive articles that are displayed to interested users. Such action significantly improves SEO and increase organic traffic on the website.

The visibility of the company in the search engines is the basis. Thanks to it, you will win your customers’ hearts.

Does content marketing always improve SEO?

Unfortunately, marketing is not that easy. It may be also hard to follow the above strategy, as it does not always increase profits. The final results are influenced by many factors that go beyond specialized articles. The most important are:

  • Off-site positioning – SEO activities beyond the content, consisting in acquiring links to make the website credible in the eyes of search engines. Even the best texts will not beat the competition if the website does not earn any credit from algorithms.
  • Domain age – new websites will not get the dizzying traffic – we are dealing with indexation and trust that is earned over time again. Competition is usually well-established on the market, so patience and valuable articles that are regularly posted are necessary.
  • Website structure – small „business cards” that do not show optimal SEO potential. Site expansion is necessary in order to post more content, and thus achieve satisfactory results.

SEO and content marketing results

While the path to success is long and often laborious, the benefits are well worth the trouble. Well-thought-out and properly conducted SEO content marketing brings the following results:

  • Stable influx of interested customers – visibility in the search engines in relation to thematic key phrases brings valuable contractors. Moreover, the position gained is usually quite stable and constant. Free organic traffic sounds appealing.
  • Increased sales – the more people read the offer, the greater the chance of finalizing the transaction.
  • Advertising costs reduction – visibility in the search engine is for free (excluding Google Ads), so gaining customers practically cost you nothing. Of course, apart from the effort and work put into content creation.
  • Image of an expert – by creating comprehensive articles, we are constantly building the good name of the brand. This, in turn, may translate into inquires despite higher prices of the services or products offered.


  1. Content marketing is a difficult business strategy that requires a lot of effort and thoughtful actions. However, the benefits in terms of increased SEO are well worth the trouble.
  2. Specialized articles are definitely one of the most effective SEO activities.
  3. They ensure the visibility of company’s website, organic traffic and finally – increased sales.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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