How many characters does an average texts contain?

Table of content

The number of characters that the text contain is a factor that affects the visibility of the website and its marketing potential. So, how many characters should a good article have in order to position itself well in the Google search engine. About it in the article below!

How many characters does an average text contain?

There is no one answer to this question, mostly because the length is closely related to the type of text.

Let’s follow the most common variant – length converted to characters with spaces. Remember that one A4 sheet takes approximately 2800 characters with spaces.

Blog entries

The volume of blog article is between 2,500 and 10,000 characters with spaces.

An ordinary, well-developed article contains 5,000 characters with spaces. The optimal number, however, depends on the possibility of covering every aspect of the issue as well as the actions of the competition.

Nevertheless, the current marketing trend state that „the more content, the better”. Therefore, it is good to choose longer types of content, of course if your budget allows it. Thanks to this, you will maximize your SEO results.

Product descriptions

Product descriptions take usually around 500-2,000 characters with spaces.

Portals that focus on quite extensive presentation of the offer may allocate up to 5,000 characters with spaces for a single product description.

In this case, the topic of the ideal length requires distinction: the attention of potential customers is always limited, therefore part of the content is devoted to sales content, while the rest to technical information and SEO texts.

So, if you do not care about visibility, a few-sentence description is enough.

Category descriptions

The length of the category descriptions is usually 1,000-8,000 characters with spaces.

Their primary goal is to increase your position in the search engine, so you should usually be ready to write some more characters. Thanks to this, you will cover the larger number of key phrases and internal links, which will have a positive effect on the visibility of your entire assortment.

Again, follow the principle „the more content, the better” so the only limitation is budget.

Sales texts

Sales texts usually contain of 500-2,000 characters with spaces.

The SEO aspect is omitted here, so you should focus only on encouraging the customer to buy and provide the necessary information.

Posts for Facebook and Instagram

The optimal length of content on social media depends on what marketing goal you want to achieve:

  • Slogans and texts that build brand recognition need to be concise and be a showcase of your company. From 50 to 200 characters with spaces.
  • Posts that call to action are creative content related to your industry and the offer. The range of 200 to 2,000 characters with spaces.
  • Specialist and expert entries aimed at presenting the content from the specific branch of industry, thus building bran image and increasing interest in the offer – from 1,000 to 3,000 characters with spaces.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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