How to write good texts?

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Certainly many of you are wondering how to write good texts. The art of writing is quite complicated – it require, above all, a great deal of creativity, knowledge of grammar and spelling rules, as well as the ability to formulate thoughts efficiently. We have prepared some valuable tips that will surely help you create good texts.

Good texts – where to start?

Copywriting continues to gain business potential. However, the condition for effects are good texts and that is a moment when the question arises – how to create them?

There are a few basic rules that should be remembered, as they will certainly facilitate this process. First of all, good texts should contain:

  • SEO structure – we are talking here about well-formulated headings that will help the reader find specific information.
  • key words – this aspect is particularly important in the positioning process, as it is necessary for effective promotion of a company or a brand.
  • reliable information – the text should be checked and based only on such information, data and sources.

Good text should also be free from any linguistic or stylistic mistakes. It is equally important to use a form that does not bore the readers – it must be factual and specific.

How to write good texts and what should they contain?

The attractiveness of the text largely depends on its structure.

That is a reason why it is important to separate paragraphs. A good text should consist of:

  • a title – it is extremely important as it encourages reading. For instance, it could be a catchy slogan or a sentence that refers to the content directly;
  • a lead – an introduction to an article that initially introduces the problems, but does not present readymade answers;
  • the paragraphs – when constructing a good text, it is worth remembering to separate information every 2-4 sentences, as it significantly facilitate legibility;
  • a summary – in case of longer forms, it is worth adding a few sentences of the abstract at the end to present the conclusions.


  • The tips we have cited will surely guide the ones interested in how to write good texts.
  • However, we must point out that skills must be supported by practice to constantly diversify writer’s workshop.
  • We also recommend reading books, mostly because this activity enrich vocabulary and improve language skills.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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