The best copywriter on the labour market – does he or she really exist?

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From the very beginning, copywriting is exposed to rapid changes, dynamic development, growing requirements and … the new specializations that arise on the market, which make this profession a very general, almost undefined term. Is it possible to choose who is the best copywriter on the market in such a situation? Let’s find out!

What copywriting skills are included in the price?

If there were a „perfect copywriter”, he or she would have thousand of competences. In addition, expectations for content are changing so rapidly that today’s information may be out-of-date in a year’s time!

In order to be more specific, let’s move on to the first issue, which is this “general” profession. Valued skills depends mostly on what kind of content is copywriter undertaking:

  • in case of content writing ability to search for reliable information is key.
  • in SEO copywriting – knowledge of the latest SEO guidelines.
  • in turn, a sales copywriter must influence and navigate the emotions of the readers perfectly
  • while the ghostwriter do the other way round – ghostwriter feel the emotion of one person who “officially” writes to the recipients

Of course, it is useful and possible to know all of these issues at the same time, but when analyzing the history of copywriting, we can clearly see how many branches of the requires skills exist. This means that in few years there will be no room for diversification – each writer will be a specialist in a specific field. The beginning of this state of affair is becoming visible to all of us today.

Alright, but is the best copywriter indefinable then? In terms of knowledge – probably yes. However, there are some universal advantages that always have a positive effect on the course of cooperation. We are, of course, talking about so called soft skills here.

Features of the best copywriter

In copywriting, great texts are equally important as the course of cooperation build around them.

  • Organization of work, along with timeliness and fast correction implementation, are the features of good copywriters with whom it is worth establishing cooperation.
  • Mutual communication is also important. It depends on the availability and specific habits of the copywriter. Let’s be honest – every person that works remotely and creates texts on request for companies should check email every day.
  • Multilingualism and knowledge of foreign languages is another feature that significantly broadens the copywriter’s capabilities. The best copywriter should not only support companies on the domestic market, but also those that aim their offer to the whole world.

The crucial question, however, is what classification we are talking about and who is the evaluator. The owner of a small business desire other features and characteristics of the contractor (e.g. low price for 1000 characters with spaces, flexible arrangements) compared to large corporations requirements (such us multilingual copywriting, specific and high processing capacity) .

For this reason, ranking the best copywriters will not refer to any objective scale or grade, as the sense of this activity will continue to decrease along with the development of writing services.


  • It is impossible to name the most important competences due to the fact that clients have different requirements, expectations and needs in accordance to the texts.
  • Soft skills are extremely useful in terms of cooperation with the companies, but for obvious reasons they are not the basis for effective copywriting.
  • It turns out that “the best copywriter on the market” is just a title that cannot be assigned to a specific person.
  • Due to the increasing globalization and development of copywriting services, we can assume that the chances of taking the crown will continue to decrease and lose their sense.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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