Copywriting in integrated marketing communication

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Marketing activities are a real challenge for large companies. Every detail is important, so hiring a team of qualified people is a great convenience. One of the members should be a permanent copywriter who supplies the company with both sales and substantive content. Today we will discuss what copywriting in integrated marketing communication looks like.

Copywriting and marketing

There is no doubt that the copywriter significantly extends the range of possibilities of the marketing team. After all, copywriter is quite a flexible profession that require penmanship, as well as specific knowledge about positioning, sales, psychology and human behavior.

The copywriter creates comprehensive professional articles, but is also not afraid of developing a persuasive texts that will encourage potential customers to buy your products or services. Is there any more exemplary combination of craftsman and an artist?

Thanks to such a writer, the marketing team can carry out many activities. The only limitation is your imagination, mostly because a copywriter, along with a positioner, graphic designer and IT specialist have free rein. Let’s talk about opportunities that arise from the collaboration of these specialists.

Copywriting in integrated marketing communication

The marketing team, along with a copywriter aboard, can support and improve company’s financial results with the following activities:

  • Advertising campaigns – eye-catching graphics are necessary for the advertising creating to bring good results. However, catchy content that arouses the interest of the audience is equally important. The combinations of these two factors increases the chances of a successful campaign. Social media specialist only have to set the target and the company is profitable!
  • Landing page – a copywriter in mutual communication with an IT specialist can do wonders. The first mentioned creates persuasive content, while the second adjust the page so that the mutual synergy increase conversion rate. It is similar with the presentation of the offer, as well as with the company website – collaboration makes texts almost pixel-cut.
  • SEO – content that improve positioning, has great potential itself, but combines with attractive graphics and increase the interest of readers. In addition, an IT specialist can optimize the structure of the blog to strengthen the SEO effects even more.
  • Advertising materials – brochures, catalogs and posters are an example of traditional mix of graphic designer and copywriter actions. Although such forms of marketing lose their former meaning, let’s not forget that it is mutual communication that enabled the creation of interesting and effective leaflets or folders with a catchy advertising slogan.


  • Copywriting plays an important role in integrated marketing communication, opening up many previously unavailable opportunities for the team.
  • On the basis of the examples mentioned above, it is obvious that mutual cooperation is our strength and power. Therefore, a weak cell cannot be allowed to develop and arise.
  • A copywriter, as a person responsible for creating professional content, is a “must-have” in the marketing department of every large company.
  • Although copywriter is not a main profession that create sales pillar on its own, mutual cooperation with other specialists allow writer to generate profits for the company.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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