How to comprehensively take care of a website – UI or UX design?

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Creating a functional and useful website is key to a company’s success in the digital world. To meet the expectations of your potential clients, you need to decipher the mysterious abbreviations – UI and UX. It is these concepts that determine whether your company’s website will have an excellent interface and make a positive impression on users. Let’s explore what UI and UX design are and what principles govern their design.

What is UI design and what does it encompass?

UI, which stands for User Interface, refers to the design of interfaces that are aesthetic, understandable, and useful.

Currently, UI design primarily refers to websites but can also apply to mobile applications and tools.

UI designers ensure that the website is functional and visually appealing. Some of their tasks include:

  • Selecting an appropriate color scheme for the website
  • Choosing the right font style and size
  • Creating a user-friendly content layout
  • Adjusting the visual layout of the website, including images, animations, and button appearances.

The goal of UI design is to create an interface that allows users to interact with the website without any difficulties. Combining all of the mentioned elements together will result in an attractive website that effectively represents your brand.

Principles of UI Design

Designing a User Interface is a significant challenge, and it requires expertise in programming, web development, graphics, and modern technologies. The key principles of UI design include:

  • Maintaining simplicity while also ensuring the aesthetics of the website and its content.
  • Using language and symbols that are understandable to the user, providing clear indications of the actions that will occur when specific buttons are clicked.
  • Providing users with control and freedom, such as the ability to use shortcuts or easily navigate back to previous screens.
  • Minimizing the amount of information that users need to remember, making the website usage seamless and straightforward.

What is UX design?

UX, which stands for User Experience, refers to designing experiences for users of a website.

UX design is a combination of technology, marketing, psychology, and information with the goal of creating positive experiences that leave a lasting impression on users and enhance their perception of your brand.

How does UX design differ from UI design? While a User Interface specialist focuses on selecting the right visual theme for the website and choosing the best graphics and buttons, a User Experience specialist determines their usability, optimal placement, and anticipates the effects of their implementation. In practice, UI is a component of UX and should always go hand in hand with it.

Principles of UX Design

UX design involves a series of actions that should be preceded by a thorough understanding of the website’s users and a competitive analysis. This is done in order to evoke positive emotions in potential customers while also differentiating your website from others.

To build a website in line with User Experience principles, it is essential to:

  • Create proper navigation – this involves implementing elements such as menus, links to subpages, and a search function that allows users to navigate the site smoothly and effortlessly.
  • Design the menu appropriately – it should be visible, easy to use, and have a suitable hierarchy, such as categorization and subcategories of products.
  • Plan the homepage – in addition to a well-designed menu and company logo, it should feature banners, sliders, readable and scannable content, and visually appealing elements to attract attention.
  • Develop valuable content, including information about the company, product and service descriptions, information about applied solutions and technologies, advice and FAQs, or blog articles.
  • Adapt the website to mobile devices – responsiveness is important not only for proper display on mobile screens but also for recognition by search engines like Google.

UX design also involves ensuring flawless technical functionality and website security, optimizing conversion-oriented CTA buttons, incorporating useful keyboard shortcuts, and designing simple contact forms, among other elements that collectively contribute to positive user experiences.

By prioritizing both UI and UX, your website will be appreciated by potential customers and search engines alike. Therefore, it is worth considering the services of specialists in this field to create a website that serves as an excellent showcase for your company.


  • UI design involves designing the interface of a website, including aspects such as color scheme, content layout, graphic elements, font style, and size.
  • The goal of UI design is to create a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
  • On the other hand, UX design focuses on building positive user experiences for visitors to your website.
  • UX design includes tasks such as designing navigation systems and the homepage, creating valuable content, and optimizing the website for mobile devices.
  • UX and UI design should go hand in hand to ensure that your website is appreciated by both users and search engines like Google.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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