Settlement agreement in copywriting – which method is the best?

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Copywriting is becoming an important marketing tool recently. Entrepreneurs have unique articles written to increase profits, but first they have to pay for them. Here the doubts arise – how to settle accounts with a copywriter? Which payment method is the best?

Settlement agreement in copywriting

There are three forms of settlement agreement in copywriting: for 1000 characters with spaces, the entire project, and subscription.

Every solution has both benefits and drawbacks. Let’s take a closer look at those.

Settlements for 1000 characters with spaces

The price for 1000 characters with spaces is a basis. The longer the text, the more you pay for it.

It is also the most popular model of settlement in copywriting, as the amount is determined by the length of the text. If we write a short description, we receive a small salary. Similarly, in case of a comprehensive guide, work and time put in implementation of the order deserves higher wages.


  • The price for the text depends on its length. It is quite a precise factor.
  • Low risk of overpaying.


  • The settlement agreement covers the length of the text, but skips other aspects. Those are: adding a photo, publishing the text on the blog, etc.
  • It encourage copywriters to write long, but dull text that does not carry value.

Project settlement

In such case, the payment for the whole order is set. Both text volume and copywriter duties (like SEO optimization and copywriter strategy) are taken into account.


  • You know how high is the payment before you start working;
  • The payment was set up on the basis of content and other copywriter duties.


  • The payment may be inadequate to copywriter duties.
  • Time-consuming further arrangements as those are separate for every project.

Subscription settlement

The last, but not least is subscription settlement. This method is based on setting a fixed amount in advance, so the copywriter get paid for a specific job, for example running a blog or providing 4 articles a month. This solution is dedicated to companies that order content on a regular basis withing a specific budget.


  • The wage is known from the very beginning. It ensures clear settlement conditions.
  • Attractive discounts are possible. They are an element of permanent cooperation quite often.


  • Long-term commitment to the copywriter (the subscription usually is not set for a period of one or two months).

Note that along with the form of billing, the writer creates content on request regularly. Thanks to this, copywriter learns more about the enterprise and this affect the text quality in a long run. Additionally, the writing style remains consistent on the website.

Which form of settlement agreement is the best in copywriting?

There is no one, simple answer. Every method may turn out to be successful… or lossy – it all depends on the situation.


The travel agency is going to save a lot of money if it orders the articles on a subscription settlement. Offer of this enterprise will be constantly expanded with new descriptions of famous destinations. Unfortunately, the same form of billing turns out to be disastrous for the local florist. This company is does not need that much content.

In turn, payment for 1000 characters with spaces will remain clear for the client who publish the created content on the online store website. It is no longer reasonable for an enterprise which want to have many types of content with varying difficulty created.

Therefore, the choice of the appropriate method vary on the individual needs of every company. It is definitely worth clarifying your requirements and ask the copywriter to provide several possible financial solutions. Thus, it is easier to agree on the most profitable one.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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