Content Commerce – what is it?

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The world is constantly changing. For effective marketing, you no longer need to distribute attractive leaflets – nowadays, you have to present professional expert articles. How is it possible? In the following article, we will take a close look at combining content with sales, i.e. content commerce.

Content Commerce – what is it?

The aim of content commerce could be „generate sales using content published on the website.

The name originated from market need, making people aware of the importance of substantive content in the current marketing approach. The most important benefits are:

  • Supporting the positioning, thus increasing the company’s visibility on the Internet;
  • Generating organic traffic on the website;
  • Creating an expert image and brand awareness;
  • Improving conversion rate, including sales efficiency.

By observing the TOP10 Google results, it is easy to notice that the concept of content commerce is present in almost all major enterprises. The question is, when the actions taken turn out to be effective?

What influences the effectiveness of content commerce?

The results are determined by a number of factors. Let’s discuss the most important ones:

Individual approach

Every company has its own target group that is quite specific. It affects the way in which we formulate sales messages – the content should be selected in a proper way, so it meets the needs and expectations of the recipients. Because of this, a good copywriter never depends on ready-made solutions.

Language of benefits

Presenting your offer in a good light is an extremely important element of content commerce. The potential client should obtain clear information on what added value will the truncation bring. It sounds trivial, but the proper presentation of benefits is a missing link in advertising messages the most often.

Determine the intentions of actions

Not all types of content will bring the same results. On contrary, the battle for sales and positioning is vulnerable to competition actions. If the company has little marketing resources, why not bet on articles that use long-tail phrases? If it is gaining popularity, maybe it would be better to invest in subpages that target and contain more general phrases? There are many strategies for developing content, but biting off more than one can chew is not one of them – content creation is time-consuming and multi-stage process, so actions taken should be matched to the currently available resources.


  • Everything comes to the fact that content commerce will dominate the market for the following years.
  • Both Google algorithms and consumers appreciate valuable content. It also bring many business benefits to entrepreneurs.
  • This means that substantive texts will remain a lucrative investment for a long time, which will not lose its strength, but prepare you to face the growing competition.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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