Content hub – how to organize texts?

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If our website is devoted to several issues and topic or should we have extremely precise data on a given topic, it is worth thinking about organizing those in the content hubs. Find out about the details in our text.

What is the best way to sort a large amount of content within the website?

We used to discuss a similar issue on our blog, that is cornerstone content, which is the key subject area where we want to operate. This is quite an effective tactic that has proven to be successful. However, what if we own a website where we deal with several issues, each of which deserve its own cornerstone content? It is enough to perceive such matter from a broader perspective, so as to reach a concept that will allow us to deal with this situation. We are talking here about content hubs.

Content hub, also called as a content centre, is an overview of the effect that we dream of.

The idea is therefore to set specific centres of the information for a given topic, collecting all the texts that are all related to it within one placement. Such collection has the following structure: cross-sectional, substantive and extensive article (it is a pillar). We derive numerous links from it to explain individual issues contained in other texts.

How to do content hubs?

A desire to improve the current website or form content on a following topic from a scratch is a starting point here. In both cases, we follow the same procedure.

A topic that is well suited for content hub must be extensive, and have specific search potential (it should be searched at least to a moderate extent) and response to a specific search intention (the desire to expand your knowledge).

Let us discuss all three points.

  1.  Volume seems to be obvious – after all, if we want to accumulate some information in one area, we must have something to collect. The search potential seems understandable too, mostly because we do everything to increase our position in the search engine ranking. Other activities are probably enough too to gain higher SERP position, since a given topic has been an interest only to a little group of people. Finally – intentions. Find out whether the results for key phrases actually resonate with knowledge people desire, as opposed to shop offers. Let’s say that „car engine building” might be such a slogan, however, when the users ask for „the best downhill skis”, they expect references to online stores.
  2. Once we have identified the proper subject, it is high time to look for the topics that constitute them. Focus on those which have potential too, that is, the ones that users are often searching for. It will allow us to gather the most important information in one place. The discussed process remains similar to searching for keywords whenever we compose the text. We can also check large aggregators of the content, like Wikipedia to see what our topic is related to.
  3. The last, but not least is to ensure proper internal linking which link main article and its subpages with the use of anchors. They should be legible and transparent to make the viewing process easy and pleasant. On the other hand, you have to remember that every subpage have to contain a link to home page. This, in turn, is an attribute for Google algorithms verification that will evaluate our website as an internally organized and easy to navigate space.

What are the content hubs benefits?

Now that we know how to formulate such a content centre on our website, take a closer look at advantages of this solution. These are not only about a more pleasant consumer experience during browsing, but also improving the rating in Google.

Substantive and engaging content is a key factor for the search engine when ranking the texts.

If we demonstrate extensive expertise in a given field, and the creation of the already mentioned content hubs is a proof, then we can also gain thematic authority and much more views. What is more, engagement rate (which is the average time users spend searching through our website, known as an indicator of an engaging content) will be improved.

There are many profts. Would we struggle with the problem of a large amount of unstructured content, then content hubs are a solution. It is a simple, yet effective method, the use of which can bring a number of benefits.


  • Content hub is a method that allows us to create a content of a consistent structure on our website.
  • Such a centre may be build from scratch. You can also use or expand content that already exists.
  • It should be ensured that the issue meets several requirements, thanks to which our base will be expanded in a proper manner.
  • This solution bring significant benefits.

Jan Susmaga

By education - philologist / linguist, by current profession - proofreader and copywriter, by interest - a bit of everything. He enjoys writing, reading both prose and non-fiction (mainly scientific), watching horror movies, training martial arts, trying new things.

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