Sponsored content – is it a basis of positioning?

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It is obvious that the company’s visibility does not only depends on the company’s activities on the website. Links which increase the credibility of the website in the eyes of Google are equally important. In the following part of the text we will analyze sponsored texts – after all, these are an ideal placement for external links. Learn more about positioning with content!

What is sponsored content?

Sponsored content is substantive form of writing intended for publication outside the beneficiary’s website.

Their main goal is to obtain an external link that will increase positioning (especially the one that describe the phrase).

The text is specific according to the branch of industry – both the topic and keyword must relate to the beneficiary’s offer in order to bring real business benefits.


The owner of a beauty salon want to increase the visibility of her website. Due to the high margin, the primary aim is to generate traffic on the “bridal makeup” phrase. To achieve this, the owner creates an article that explain how to properly apply makeup before wedding. Then she makes a query to thematic websites from the beauty industry in order to publish content there and give link to her own website. After making the payment, the owner fulfilled the task – after a few weeks she observed the increase in the position of the offer subpage. This is how simply it works!

How to create sponsored content?

Properly written sponsored content is not much different from expert blog article. It must also contain specialized information and have clear structure. The only distinguishing features are external links and the place of publication – outside the beneficiary’s website.

Thus, the structure of sponsored content includes:

  • The title – up to 75 characters, so as the article is properly displayed by the search engine. It should encourage recipients to read and include keyword and key phrase.
  • The introduction – the extraction of the text at the beginning is possible in most CMS systems. Introduction should briefly present the described problem.
  • The body – approximately from 2,000 to 10,000 characters with spaces. It is necessary to add headings according to the specific hierarchy, as well as using key phrases and presenting valuable information to the readers.

An additional element in the sponsored content is, of course, a link to the landing page in order to improve website visibility.

How to use links in case of sponsored content?

The rule is relatively simple: we choose the URL of the website we want to add link to, and then we create the connection between the anchor and the positioned phrase.

To make it clear, an anchor is a short piece of text linked with your website. After clicking on it, reader is send to your website. To make use of the full potential of SEO, the content must match keyword.

In the above example you need to do an internal linking to the „bridal makeup” phrase which appears naturally in your texts. A common mistake is linking to „here” word which would appear in the phrase – „if you would like to understand how to make bridal makeup, click here”. Sponsored content must link key phrases, not other words!

Is sponsored content enough for positioning?

Acquiring external links is a great way to increase the credibility of your website by increasing its visibility. Nobody has doubts that developed link profile strengthens the website and distinguishes it from the competition.

SEO activities are carried out around this, and sponsored articles are a great opportunity to pave your way on the thematic website. Remember that linking strength is a key, so if it appears on a portal related to the specific branch of industry (especially if it drives huge website traffic) – you have just hit the jackpot! What is more, substantive content is a great way to create a company’s image as it builds recognition and trust among recipients.

Unfortunately, positioning is not limited to external linking only – other factors are equally important, including the age of the domain, website security, quantity and quality of the content or code structure. More specifically, there is a large number of ranking variables and we are even not aware of some of them! Positioning is extremely complicated, although the activities seem obvious at first glance in order to meet needs of the users in the best possible way.

The multitude of factors does not change the fact that sponsored content is a reasonable, effective strategy that will help you enhance link profile and increase the visibility of your website.

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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