Content Writer expands operations to China

The website is now available! China is the thirtieth country where Content Writer’s services have been introduced.

Global map of our services

Content Writer in the Asian market

The Eastern world is a dynamic market with great potential. Today, the largest concentration of copywriters is not in the United States but on the Indian Peninsula.

For this reason, Content Writer is actively operating in these regions, as well as in other emerging Asian markets such as Vietnam, Japan, and the Philippines.

Today, we have taken another milestone step in the development of the organization by offering services in the Chinese market. Due to obvious cultural differences, this was an extremely demanding project that we have been preparing for since mid-2020.

Bartosz Ciesielski CEO

Initial difficulties were based on developing a coherent, comprehensive strategy and acquiring a domain name without which expansion would not be possible. The real challenge, however, was preparing the technical infrastructure for a completely different writing system and building close relationships with local writers who will create content on behalf of Content Writer.

Today – thanks to collaboration with Chinese copywriters and translators – ambitious goals have become a reality. This is an important stage not only for Content Writer but also for our clients who plan to expand in the Asian market.

Monika Kowalik
Monika Kowalik Project Manager

Preparing content by local copywriters in different languages and dialects is a unique service that we offer as the first in Poland. The ability to support companies in their pursuit of globalization prompted us to enter other markets ourselves, to acquire foreign writers for our team.

Expansion plans do not end with China. As Bartosz Ciesielski explains:

The technical and language preparation in the Chinese market has brought us closer to Hong Kong, where we plan to start operations later this year. It is a key location for us because a rarer variant of the Chinese language is used there [Cantonese – Ed. note]. Entering this market will allow us to acquire additional local copywriters who speak this language, which in turn will expand the possibilities for our clients who want to establish themselves in this small but economically powerful region.

Julia Markiewicz

Julia is responsible for the company's blog - she plans topics, edits articles and publishes them on the site. She takes care of the high quality and attractiveness of the content. She values order and good organization of time in both her professional and private life.

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