How to earn more from copywriting

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Copywriting is undoubtedly a comfortable and enjoyable job for people who want to develop their careers via the Internet. However, the question arises – can you make a living from writing? We answer yes, but with that comes another conundrum: how to earn more from copywriting? You can read about it in the article below!

How are the salaries in copywriting?

The basic conversion factor used in the work of a copywriter is the price for 1000 words with spaces. So it depends on the volume of the written text – the longer the content, the more words, which means a higher price.

Usually, the copywriter’s price list varies the rate depending on the type of content. After all, expert articles require more work than simple background texts. The most common amounts are:

  • Blog articles $50 – $100
  • Content for the back office $5 – $25
  • Specialty items $25 – $80
  • Advertising texts $200 – $1500
  • Texts for a website $50 – $150
  • Product descriptions $8 – $30
  • Category descriptions $8 – $30

Such a wide range is caused primarily by various copywriting skills. The price also includes additional obligations (e.g. whether the texts will be uploaded directly to the blog), as well as the analytical tools used (e.g. selection of key phrases based on data).

In addition, language remains a strong price determinant. The above amounts apply to content written in the United States, while for German or Spanish the prices may be up to 200% higher. The price increases as the popularity of a given language decreases, e.g. in the case of Swedish or Hungarian.

How to earn more in copywriting?

Based on the above information, we can conclude that there are three ways to increase your writing earnings:

  • high writing skills – read a lot of books to acquire language fluency; follow SEO news; analyze the results of your texts and draw conclusions from them;
  • analytical tools – choose lucrative key phrases (with low competitiveness, high searchability); check what people are looking for and what topics will be popular in the future (e.g. using Google Trends);
  • write in other languages – sign up for a language school; read and create foreign language content;

You can implement some of them right away by increasing the intensity of education or investing in copywriting tools. Then you will increase the value (and effectiveness) of your texts, which will allow you to negotiate more favorable financial terms with contractors.

Other changes, such as writing in a different language, require a lot of work, but no one said that the road to professional copywriting is a bed of roses. On the contrary, in order to earn more, you cannot do what everyone can do.

Light orders will always be characterized by high competition and therefore a low rate.

It is worth noting that an additional source of remuneration may be comprehensive service in the field of inserting content or introducing products to the website. Many clients don’t have the time to implement content on a regular basis, so it’s always worth offering your help.

What does “earn a lot” mean?

Ultimately, how much a copywriter earns depends on many factors.

One of the most important, which we have not touched on so far, is the availability of orders. Unfortunately, there are still few people in this industry who work full-time, as most copywriters create content in the freelance model. However, this does not mean that the salary must be lower – a professional writer who has regular orders and writes 10,000 words a week, can earn even over $10,000 in this period.

On the other hand, the uncertainty of orders from freelancers means that earnings are different each month, hence there may be significant fluctuations in terms of monthly remuneration. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to earn more in copywriting should not only include the rate for 1000 words, but also the stability of cooperation with contractors. In this aspect, “soft” skills also play a role, such as efficient communication, establishing relationships, etc.

Therefore, the element of availability of orders sufficiently illustrates the fact that a higher salary is a complex issue, depending not only on the copywriter’s skills, but also his approach to cooperation and the general market situation. Undoubtedly, however, sincere efforts to provide services of the highest quality are the most important action that will pay off in the future.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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