Creative ads: How effective are they?

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The world of advertising is highly dynamic, and in recent years, significant changes have been observed in this field. In order to reach potential customers with their product or service, advertisements must be interesting and creative. Nowadays, it is very easy to get lost amidst the competition, which is why promotional strategies need to be well thought out. What are creative advertisements and how should they look?

Creative advertising – what is it?

A creative advertisement is a message that leaves a lasting impression and typically breaks established patterns or conventions.

In this case, the aim is to demonstrate creativity and offer the audience something completely different from what they have previously seen.

Currently, the market is highly competitive, regardless of the industry. Moreover, many companies tend to imitate each other, resulting in similar and predictable advertising messages. However, if your goal is to stand out in the market and attract new customers, standard advertising is simply not enough.

It is worth focusing on the originality of the message. The advertisement needs to be unconventional and somehow surprise the audience in order to be remembered. Of course, a lot depends on the nature of your business and what you want to sell. You should also be aware that creative advertising may not work equally well in every industry.

Creative advertising rules

To create an effective and creative advertisement, consider several important principles:

  • Show how your product performs in an extreme situation.
  • Highlight the benefits of using the product and the consequences of not using it.
  • Emphasize authenticity in your message.
  • Remember that the communication should be surprising and break the routine.
  • Plan your campaign for the long term. If the advertisement is well-received by the audience, you can release a whole series.
  • Conduct research using free tools like Google Trends, Google Analytics, and Search Console to better understand the needs and expectations of your audience.
  • Surprise your audience by incorporating modern technology into your advertisement. Choose something that will resonate with your target group.

Is creative advertising effective?

Creating creative advertisements truly pays off as they enhance the effectiveness of the message.

When your advertisement lacks interest, it will most likely slip through the minds of the audience unnoticed, and they will quickly forget about it. A message that evokes emotions, shocks, or touches the heart will undoubtedly capture greater attention from consumers.

Creative advertising is undoubtedly a worthwhile investment. By opting for this form of promotion, you can expect:

  • Increased effectiveness of the message.
  • Higher engagement from the audience.
  • Building brand credibility.
  • A larger base of loyal customers.
  • Greater profits.

Examples of creative ads

Coca-Cola’s Christmas adverts are a good example. In 2020, the brand presented an advertising spot made in cooperation with the New Zealand director Taika Waititi, who was nominated for an Oscar.


The protagonist of the ad is a man who leaves home to start working on a wind farm. When he says goodbye to his family, his daughter hands him a letter addressed to Santa Claus. The man arrives and then realizes that he forgot to send the letter, so he decides to go to the North Pole.

During the journey, he overcomes many difficulties, but ultimately fails to reach his destination. Disappointed, he returns home, then it turns out that the only present the girl wanted was a Christmas spent with her dad.

The ad really touches the heart, it is touching, what’s more, it makes the viewer reflect.

Of course, this is not the only brand that can boast of really interesting ideas. It is also worth mentioning the great spots of the Allegro sales platform, which has also accustomed us to excellent creative advertisements.

In 2022, an advertising film entitled “Letters to Santa” was made, in which the main character is a little boy writing down his Christmas dreams. It turns out, however, that these are not his dreams, but wishes for his neighbors. The main motto of the spot is: “See what is most important around you”.


  • Creative advertising is a message that is memorable and usually breaks the mold.
  • Creative advertisements are more effective than the usual advertising message, they bring more benefits. In this way, you can gain a group of trusted customers.
  • Implementing creative advertising into your activities translates into greater profits.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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