What does Content Writer do? Who is the legal content writer?

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Content writer is a relatively new profession on the labor market. For this reason, it is worth finding out what are content writer competences, for who it is the right choice and how it differs from other professions related to writing.

Who is content writer?

As the name suggests:

Content writer is a person that creates thematic content to increase the substantive value of the company, which results in better SEO results and greater trust in the eyes of recipients.

This profession is the exact equivalent of a copywriter who writes to the point.

The texts created by content writer are filled with specialized information. Those are often supported by scientific studies. Content writer’s content is reliable, valuable and fully correct in terms of language. In short – there is no better candidate for creating high-quality blog articles.

How to become content writer?

There are no strict regulatory requirements regarding the content writer profession. It is also in vain to look for bachelor that offer education in that field. Nevertheless, there are two fundamental requirements that need to be met:

  • obtaining specialist knowledge from that branch of industry, and
  • writing skills and being good with words

Only a synergistic combination of the features mentioned above will allow you to create specialized articles that are both understandable and transparent for the reader.

There is no content writer “title” and probably there will never be – mostly because this profession require efficient information retrieval. Content writer duty is to transform specialist knowledge into content that is transparent for the user. It is impossible to acquire those skills in school, at the university, even though market requirements create new needs in this field.

The texts created by content writer are filled with specialized information. Those are often supported by scientific studies.

Content writer – benefits

In order to understand what are the benefits of high-quality content, we need to tell you about the history of the demand for content writers.

The first signs of writing appeared around 3500 B.C. in the Sumerians society (Sumerians are ancient people from southern Mesopotamia). Their texts were neither beautiful pieces of poetry nor clever aphorisms – those were proprietary rights and simple accounting operations. The writing has been in short supply for a long time until the first incunabula and dissemination of printing. This period started 500 years ago – scientific revolution was the milestone. Since then the amount of information that we are currently overwhelmed with has grown exponentially.

The world has changed – for the first time in the history, we do not suffer from a deficit, but an excess of information. For several decades, we have had to distinguish useful information and separate “chaff from grain”. It is related to the fact that writing an extensive texts is no longer a measure of success today if it is not of the highest quality. Average content is ignored by search engines as it does not reach wider audience. On the other hand, unique texts that are transparent and useful for readers gain approval. The discussed topics are more specific and specialized so as to gain valuable website traffic thanks to long tail key phrases.

Here, inevitably, content writer has work to do – the most famous duty is to “frame” thematic information in an intelligible form that brings benefits in many areas.

Increase SEO results

The current Google algorithms can be summarized with one sentence: useful content means valuable content. The times of clever use of key phrases has passed few years ago. Nowadays, the content can not trick the search engines – it just has to be good.


To illustrate this issue in a practical way, answer a simple question: What 10 articles have I read recently? What websites have I visited so far?

Those are probably ones of the highest quality, as the texts published discuss the given problem in an exhaustive way.

Websites bound only with intrusive advertising slogans, despite the numerous key phrases, are not visited as they do not have any informative value. Therefore, one high-quality article plays a greater role than 10 bland texts. So simple and incomprehensible.

Build trust among recipients

A company that shares thematic information with users is definitely more credible than the competitors. Valuable content is a showcase which proves that the quality of the offered product or service is really high.

This is particularly important nowadays, when customers pay attention to a reliable approach, while the dynamically developing service sector strengthens this trend. Content writer brings great benefits in this matter, especially to “intellectual” industries, as a part of ghostwriting. Let us tell you what is it about.

The „intellectual” industries are professions in which only mental effort is used. A lawyer, dietitian, web designer or copywriter are professions in which pieces of knowledge are a “natural” ads. Content writer builds an extremely strong company image in the eyes of recipients by creating specialized content on behalf of the client.

Not everyone knows how to transfer their knowledge into words in a clear way – that is where the discussed profession is crucial. Content writer studies materials thoroughly to create high-quality articles (of course anonymously). Attractiveness, understandability and SEO structure are three reasons for which it is worth entrusting this task to a professional copywriter.

A company that shares thematic information with users is definitely more credible than the competitors.

Increase sales 

Let’s put it simple – we dedicate our resources to a content writer to make him sell. It is an example and form of investment in future results like any other, but it is distinguished by remarkable stability and long-term perspective.

According to the principle „quality defends itself” content writer opens up the door to higher positions in Google rankings and organic traffic. The effect is additionally enhanced by the value addressed to potential customers, which strengthens the company’s position and distinguishes it from the competition. Increased sales are the final result of the arduous activities carried out by the content writer, that are specialized information presented in an attractive way.

Content writer – for who?

Content writer is a special support for companies related to intellectual value and security. However, the benefits will be brought to every branch of industry that introduce itself to the client in an informative way.

The market is extremely dynamic, so it should not be specified for whom content writing will be good and useful solution. Although we know that it is unlikely to bring benefits to supermarkets or funeral homes, for many companies the substantive content is a universal solution that responds to the client’s needs and builds a positive company image.

Every entrepreneur should approach the company owned individually and conduct an internal profit and loss account. Undoubtedly, it is worth taking competitors’ strategies, the current content marketing development and other marketing activities into account.

Content writer or copywriter? Which one to choose?

Although we cannot rely on strict definitions, the market defines more and more differences between content writer and copywriter.

Content writer implements substantive content, while copywriter creates slogans, simple blog articles and sales texts.

There is no simple answer if it comes to marketing activities, but we can expect the copywriter to bring results in a shorter period of time – thanks to cheaper advertising campaigns and catchy sales entries. On the other hand, the content writer activities are based on long-term effects in the form of White Hat SEO and image building.

We would like to point out again that due to the lack of legal requirements, it is impossible to clearly assign a specific badge to a person who professionally carries out content as a part of content writing. No matter how we regard it, definitions are only a ready-made template, a figment of our imagination. In fact we only meet individuals with specific experience and competences. Not even two content writers are the same.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a content writer?

Good content writer is characterized by an objective approach to the developed topic and the ability to search for reliable information efficiently. SEO knowledge and linguistic correctness are required and recommended. When assessing a potential content writer’s portfolio you should pay attention if:

  1. the articles are of high substantive value (or is it smoke and mirrors);
  2. the content is clear and appealing to the reader and user (or is it just rewritten from Wikipedia);
  3. there are any linguistic errors (if there are “babols” in the portfolio, those will be included in the ordered texts too);
  4. the reliable sources has been used (or is the text a collection of author’s views).

Of course, from a pragmatic point of view, the execution time should be taken into account (it can not be too long, but too short is not desirable as well, as it raises suspicions of plagiarism or fraud) and the possibility of issuing an invoice.

If it comes to market prices for 1000 characters with spaces, then you have to be prepared that solid work requires fair payment – and specialized articles are among the most expensive content due to the time-consuming research and the highest quality. The common rate ranges from 60$ to even 100$ net amount for 1000 characters with spaces. However, as we have already mentioned – one solid text can bring more benefits than a blog full of less revealing articles.

Content Writer - FAQ

Below we present the answers to the frequently asked questions related to content writing.

Who is content writer?

It is a writer that creates specialized content of the highest quality from specific branches of industry.

What is the effect of hiring a content writer?

Expert content improves SEO results and builds your image. In turn, increased website traffic combined with branding is a recipe for sales.

Can I become the content writer?

Yes. To become content writer you do not need a diploma. Writing and research skills are the only requirements.

How much should content writer be paid?

The price depends on the experience and competence of the writer, but usually it oscillates around 40-80$ net amount for 1000 characters with spaces.

Is it worth using such services?

The investment decision depends on the individual situation of the enterprise. Professional content generates many benefits in Internet marketing, but comes with specific expenses.


  1. Content writer is a necessary offshoot of content management on the Internet. Content writer creates professional and substantive texts that increase sales thanks to image building and SEO.
  2. Even though it usually takes time to see the first results, it should be borne in mind that the general marketing trend is promoting business policy based on providing useful information to potential customers.
  3. For this reason, incorporating a content writer into your ranks can bring many long lasting business benefits – we wish you that!

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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