What is advertising slogan and how to create it?

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An advertising slogan is an effective marketing tool as long as it is thoughtful and unique. It significantly facilitates building brand recognition, so it is worth taking care of a professional slogan. In the following article, you will learn what is advertising slogan and what guidelines should you follow while creating it.

What is advertising slogan?

An advertising slogan is a short sentence that identifies with a brand, aimed at consolidating the company’s identification among consumers.

It is characterized by a concise structure and ingenious content, which has one basic aim – to exist permanently in recipients’ memories. Advertising slogans are created due to the fact that people remember specific expressions very well, efficiently associating the message with its creator and sender.

As a consequence, the recipients associate the brand, and this is a huge step for it, as it can be preferred if it comes to transaction on the market, among numerous competitors. However, to achieve the desired effect, the slogan must be appropriate, so let’s check how to create an advertising slogan.

Creating an advertising slogan – rules

As we have already mentioned, the slogan needs to be concise and original in order to be remembered by recipients. The content should reflect brand character and initially inform about its activities.

Interestingly, the advertising slogan has changed its specificity in recent years. SEO entries are created more and more often – they contain the keyword for which the website is positioned. Even though, we can create a slogan in three ways.

Informative slogan

It is currently the most popular type due to its practical nature that fits well with SEO principles. In addition, it does not require much creativity, mostly because we do not have much to choose from.


Informative slogans are : „Cleaning24 – professional window cleaning” or „HairStyle – a hairdresser from London at your service”.

Such slogans will work for small and local businesses, but they are not suitable for enterprises that intend to run an extensive campaign that builds recognition on the domestic market.

Creative slogan

This type of slogan is a choice as it can enter get consumers minds. Although it does not carry too much information about the company, it forces recipients to think and evoke understanding and lasting association with the brand. As with informative slogans, these do not have to be original, but sometimes there are real pearls.


Creative slogans are „HealthThings – Your Life, Your Choice” or a bit less original „FitMed – a diet that tastes good and shape your mood”.

The last example shows that nothing prevents you from combining an ingenious slogan with an informative function. This synergistic mix is the basis of the most effective slogans for companies.

Rhythmic slogan

A very rare type of slogan that requires a lot of creativity and vocal support. It is used only by the largest companies that promote their offer via TV or radio. Although several conditions must be met, the effect are incredible.


One of the most famous rhythmic slogan is: „I’m lovin’ it!”.

Whenever we come across similar slogans, we still recreate them in the rhythm imposed by the advertisement. Music is the best tool of memorizing content and this fact explains why young people cannot prepare for exam, but they know the lyrics of top songs very well.

Remember that there is no ready-made recipe for an advertising slogan. A creative slogan is always setting a new path, so copying previous solutions is not an option. Of course, it makes sense to study the various slogans for additional inspiration, but ultimately the content must be individually tailored to the nature of the company.


  1. What is advertising slogan – everybody knows. In practice, however, creating an effective slogan is a matter of creativity and brainstorming that let us select one out of many original “candidates”.
  2. Advertising slogans are characterized by a concise and attractive form which aims to build brand recognition among recipients.
  3. Although some slogans are more practical, the other are more imaginative – the ideal slogans are closely related to the nature of the company, its promotion channel and investment potential.

Do you want to increase business results in your company through an effective advertising slogan? See our offer.

Advertising slogans

Bartosz Ciesielski

Experienced copywriter who explores the secrets of marketing and positioning. In his articles, he refers to the contemporary achievements of psychology and the philosophy of language, creating cross-sectional content. As a member of the Content Writer team, he takes care of technological and organizational solutions that increase the quality of work. Privately, he reads a lot of books, learns new languages ​​and composes piano pieces.

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