What is drip marketing all about?

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Effective marketing involves building long-term relationships with customers. That’s why it’s important to know how to use customer data in an automated, discreet, long-term, and above all, effective way. We invite you to read an article where we discuss the topic of drip marketing.

What is drip marketing?

Drip marketing, also known as a drip campaign, involves the automation of messages sent to recipients according to a predetermined schedule.

The specific message that a customer receives depends on their behavior on the website. Relevant messages await them, for example, after abandoning a transaction, adding a product to the cart, creating an account, or subscribing to a newsletter. Everything happens discreetly and non-intrusively, and drip marketing allows for the automation of marketing actions perfectly tailored to specific recipients.

How does the planning of a drip campaign unfold?

The actions related to drip marketing are long-term, but the preparation can be summarized in a few steps outlined below.

  1. Define the target audience Divide your audience into groups based on demographic data, visit frequency, likelihood of clicks, interests, etc.
  2. Prepare content – Once you know who you are addressing, you can prepare the content of the messages to be delivered to the recipients. Strive to make them tailored to the target group, while consistent with the company’s image and each other.
  3. Plan the campaign – Plan a campaign suitable for your audience. Assess the order and frequency at which the messages should be sent. In short, create a scenario for automated customer contact. Avoid overwhelming the recipient with messages, as it may have unintended consequences.
  4. Implement the plan – Now you can put your plans into action and automate the drip campaign.
  5. Monitor campaign results – It is possible that you may misidentify the target audience or create unappealing content. This is normal, and there is no need to worry. However, it is worth monitoring the results of the drip campaign and, based on observations, developing effective elements while eliminating or improving ineffective ones.

Types of drip marketing campaigns

The type of content you create and the way you plan its delivery depends on the goal you want to achieve. Therefore, there are several types of drip marketing campaigns:

  • Welcome – greet people who have joined your newsletter, created an account, or started a free trial. Create a friendly atmosphere and leave a positive impression.
  • Engagement – encourage the return of people who haven’t taken any action on your website for a while. An example of such a campaign could be an email with the subject line “We haven’t seen you in a while.”
  • Renewal invitation – invite people who have canceled your services to renew them. Give them a reason to consider coming back.
  • Registration encouragement – encourage registration, newsletter sign-ups, or subscriptions. Always present the benefits of maintaining a longer relationship with your brand.
  • Reminder – many customers of online stores abandon their carts before completing a purchase. Remind them of the products they didn’t buy.
  • Tutorials – support your customers and offer them your knowledge through tutorials and guides.

Is it worth investing in drip marketing?

Definitely, drip marketing is something worth considering. It helps maintain a long-term relationship with customers and gives website visitors a sense that someone is there for them, even though the messages are automated. Drip campaigns are a way to support customers 24/7, seven days a week.


  • Drip marketing, also known as a drip campaign, involves automated messages sent to customers.
  • The sent messages are tailored to the customer’s behavior. When planning a campaign, you create a conversation script.
  • Before starting drip marketing, plan your actions step by step. Begin by defining your goal and target audience.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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