Trends in copywriting 2022
Only few professions evolve as fast as copywriting. The dynamic development of Internet makes the companies demand for professional content increase. Along with it, the duties and specialization of the writer are constantly changing. For this reason, we will analyze the current trends in copywriting and try to predict the direction in which this profession is heading.
Development of copywriting in recent years
In order to predict the future, it is necessary to know the history of copywriting profession.
Initially, when the demand for the content was relatively low, copywriters duties were carried out by advertising agencies. At that time, the most popular type of content were:
There was not much opportunity or any Chance to create expert articles. Everything has changed with the uprising trend of content marketing, which influenced marketing activities – the demand for substantive content that creates brand image and improve positioning has increased significantly. The texts that had been created so far (often undemanding) were no longer sufficient. That is how the content writer job was created.
Content promotion came along with the new profession, that is ghostwriting, which is based on anonymous creation to assign authorship to the client. The newer and newer „branches” were developed, those are: SEO copywriter, sales copywriter, e-commerce copywriter… Every need was met with quite new solution, which made the classic copywriting a general, but very extensive concept.
Trends in copywriting
At the beginning, we can say that the writing competences will continue to diversify and create new professions. A perfect example is microcopy, which is the activity that involves formulating hints and comments in order to improve website structure. A writer that focus on such actions is called micro copywriter. It is no surprise that the nearest future will probably bring not only new needs and expectations, but also professions and solutions.
Increase in the number of customers
Although we are writing this article in the times of ongoing crisis, we will not take much risk when we say that the economy and the market will go up and down over and over again. The growth of the e-commerce market and the progressive development of Internet marketing will attract more and more clients.
It is a chance for development of copywriting – clients will create new needs, which will force writers to met them and adjust to the market. The professionalization of writing will increase, along with the use of analytical copywriting tools, constant contact or implementation of corrections for free. It will simply turn out to be a standard.
Although we can not be so sure, we believe that the rates for 1000 characters with spaces will remain untouched. Currently, the market shows flexibility in terms of prices and this trend is likely to keep on going – it will still be possible to make use of both cheap and more “exclusive” services.
Entrepreneurs are the ones who decide whether the rate is acceptable. Various investment opportunities will make it possible to order texts in different price points.
That is why we turn to you, dear copywriter. If you expect the increase in renumeration, remember that the key to financial development is competences development and cooperation with reliable contractors, not a milestone in history of copywriting.
- There are many changes ahead of us and there is no indication that the development of copywriting will slow down. This profession is constantly evolving, that is why we can only adapt and meet customer needs.
- The writing market is gaining in value. Dedicated studies and books for copywriter are still poorly presented in case of content and information that is up-to-date. It is an obvious proof of how dynamic and specific needs are created through the Internet. In this case, you cannot neither rely only on educational degree, nor wait for ready-made solutions. Learning and gaining knowledge is the result of intensive, sometimes hard, work in the copywriting environment.
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