How to write according to Yoast SEO – a handful of useful tips

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CMS platforms are a revolution on the Internet. Anyone can add content that will be visible in the search engine. SEO Copywriting on WordPress is the most popular activity to effectively fight for high positions. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to write in accordance with Yoast SEO, so that the texts contribute to more efficient positioning.

Yoast SEO

This issue concerns the optimization of SEO content. So we assume that the hardest part is behind us – we have written a substantive and clear text, and we have paid attention to the keywords.

We wrote about how to create an optimal text for positioning in the article: SEO text optimization: how to do it?

Where should we start? We believe that at the beginning it is worth installing a plugin on your blog that will provide optimization tips on an ongoing basis. The most commonly used solution is Yoast SEO.

Is it worth installing Yoast SEO?

We often come across opinions that do not flatter the Yoast SEO plugin. Opponents believe that such a solution cannot be counted on in times of strong competition. In other words, the basis is the acquisition of links and optimization activities on the website, and the hints themselves are just a tiny icing on the cake.

The other side of the barricade puts a lot of hope in the plugin, optimizing entries according to the generated recommendations. The basis is the green light, which indicates good positioning of articles and subpages. Other activities may be worth something, but in the era of content marketing, what matters most is well-optimized content.

Two camps and completely different opinions, so we face a difficult question – which view reflects reality to a greater extent?

Yoast SEO – advantages

We believe that both positions are somewhat correct, but going to extremes and ready-made solutions often misses the point.

Yoast SEO allows you to get the most out of your text, so it’s a useful tool for all writers.

Regardless of the degree of knowledge of SEO rules, it is worth taking into account the generated tips, because when creating text, some element may naturally be missed. In addition, the plugin is updated from time to time, so it is a good opportunity to constantly revise your views on optimization aspects. And finally, the installation is completely free, so you don’t lose anything by using the above advantages.

Yoast SEO – disadvantages

Of course, other factors affecting the position of the website cannot be neglected. Yoast SEO only gives useful tips, but is no guarantee of success. Each of us wants to fight for phrases in the TOP10, while WordPress itself informs us that there are over a million active installations of the Yoast SEO plugin. If the use of these hints were the foundation of positioning, we would face unimaginable competition. However, many companies with green lights are not visible, and other brands in the top positions have not seen such a plug in the eyes.

The main components of the effect are incoming links, website optimization and valuable content. The Yoast SEO plugin itself has no effect on positioning, because content activities can be carried out just as well without any support.

However, as we mentioned, the hints are useful, free and up-to-date, so it’s worth using them – especially if you don’t have much knowledge about SEO content.

To sum up, the plugin itself does not have any disadvantages, but the solutions it proposes are not always effective.

How to get green light in YoastSEO?

The Yoast SEO plugin has numerous optimization requirements. So let’s see how to deal with them.

Increase text readability

Before we get to the issue of SEO and specifying keywords, the finished article automatically generates suggestions related to the clarity of the text. The final grade is positively influenced by:

  • Formulating sentences in the active voice, not the passive voice (the universal rule is that such sentences are simply shorter and more readable)
  • Conjunctions that enrich the utterance (e.g. because, because, but, so, as a result)
  • Use headings to separate blocks of text (up to 300 words are allowed)
  • Paragraphs of appropriate length that allow the reader to take a breather (no more than 150 words)

Of course, the above guidelines are just generalizations, because a paragraph of 151 words does not suddenly become incomprehensible. The readability assessment is only a reference point, and the green light does not mean that the text perfectly meets the conditions for SEO. In fact, you can do a quick experiment to see that even a short gibberish can proudly glow green.

Make sure you have a clearly worded key phrase

Yoast SEO guidelines make no compromises. The keyword must be in the title, headings, URL, meta-descriptions and in the first sentence. This is a completely correct approach, because the leitmotif of the article must be specified and appear quite often. Google actually looks more closely at the words contained in large headings (H1-H2).

In addition, the key phrase should occupy 0.5-3% of the text volume. This is another valuable and probably the most effective point, as this concentration corresponds to a natural, reliable text.

Don’t forget the Call To Action

If you want people to read your articles, invite them to do so by adding CTA. Enter/Read/Check/Learn – these are the basic “calls to action”. Sound tacky? Perhaps, but they work surprisingly well. Scientific studies have shown that by persuading someone to act, we increase the likelihood that that person will actually respond to our encouragement.


“Why are the products $9.99 instead of $10?” – asked almost everyone, laughing at this. However, as it turned out, such a strategy significantly increases sales, and the subconscious is activated more often than strictly logical thinking.

Add tags, categories, and a featured photo with alt text.

We move on to optimization outside of content, which we have discussed in detail in a separate article. These activities also contribute to the green light in the Yoast SEO analysis.

If we have touched on an issue in another article, do not be afraid to link to the source of the text. Internal links facilitate navigation on the website, which affects the convenience of both the user and the Google robot.

What’s more, the plugin encourages us to link to external sites as well, to naturally transfer power to other, substantive services. Although in the past it was considered to be more moral than pragmatic action, today we know that linking to strong portals will not negatively affect our position.


  1. Creating content compatible with the Yoast SEO plugin consists in developing clear text that contains key phrases in the right concentration and in the right places.
  2. It is also important to formulate meta-descriptions and add links, tags, categories and photos.
  3. A green light does not guarantee results, but it can get closer. For this reason, it is worth checking out this free and simple plugin that serves the writer with up-to-date information and clear notes.
  4. Writing content in accordance with Yoast SEO is the first step to positioning the website with content.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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