ROI in content marketing: what it is and how to calculate it

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Content marketing is one of the best ways to acquire new customers, increase product or service sales, and build a positive company image. However, how can we measure its effectiveness and determine if the expenses incurred for content creation and distribution have paid off? One of the best ways is to calculate ROI, which stands for Return on Investment. Find out how to do it!

What is ROI in content marketing?

ROI (Return on Investment) is a profitability indicator that allows measuring the rate of return on investment.

In content marketing, calculating ROI is a way to determine the income generated by a business compared to the costs incurred for content creation and distribution. This allows for verifying the quality and effectiveness of the strategy and optimizing it for better results in the future.

In practice, the higher the ROI in content marketing, the more effective your actions have been. A profitable investment is one where the ROI value is greater than 1, indicating a positive return. However, it’s important to remember that content marketing is a long-term strategy that may not yield satisfying results in the initial months. Patience is key in this regard!

Why is it worth calculating ROI in content marketing?

First and foremost, calculating ROI is important to determine whether your actions are generating the expected revenue and if it surpasses the incurred costs.

Moreover, accurately calculated and interpreted ROI will allow you to make more effective decisions in the future and better manage your budget. By calculating ROI, you will learn which campaigns are more or less profitable, understand the traffic generated by individual content pieces, and assess their impact on SEO. All of this will enable you to create more efficient content marketing campaigns in the future.

How to calculate ROI

First and foremost, you need to familiarize yourself with the formula that you will use to calculate the return on investment (ROI).

ROI in content marketing = (Return – Investment / Investment) × 100

The biggest challenge usually lies in estimating the return. This can be done by analyzing the relationships between your content and sales. Examine the revenue generated through your created and distributed content, taking into account the conversion rate on your website, the number of completed transactions, and the resulting sales.

In addition, consider other metrics that will help you measure the effectiveness of content marketing and determine the revenue generated. This includes website traffic and user behavior, clicks on call-to-action (CTA) buttons, the number of leads generated through the content, and user engagement on your social media platforms.

The “investment” includes all costs incurred in creating and distributing the content, both internal costs (such as salaries for employees) and external costs (such as fees paid to freelancers).

What to do in case of negative ROI

Ineffective content marketing efforts can result from several factors. The most important factor is, of course, low-quality content that you provide to your potential customers. Therefore, make sure that your content is clear, interesting, and valuable to users. Additionally, ensure that it is properly formatted with paragraphs, headings, and formatting elements such as bolding or bullet points. It should also be optimized for SEO, including external and internal links and relevant keywords.

To improve ROI in content marketing, make sure your content:

  • Is tailored to a specific target audience, considering factors such as language and addressing the questions of your potential customers.
  • Is enhanced with engaging visuals such as images, graphics, or videos, which significantly improve quality and better engage the audience.
  • Is appropriately distributed – in addition to publishing content on your website or blog, consider sharing it on external platforms and social media channels to reach a wider audience.
  • Includes strong calls-to-action (CTAs) such as “Buy Now,” “Check Out,” “Learn More,” “Call Now,” “Subscribe to the Newsletter,” etc., which increase conversions and enhance the effectiveness of your content.

If you want your content to deliver the expected results, consider utilizing the services of an experienced copywriter who can ensure the quality of your content, including language optimization and SEO considerations.


  • ROI is the return on investment, which allows you to assess whether your content is generating profits.
  • An investment in content marketing will be profitable if the ROI is positive (greater than 1 or 100%).
  • Calculating ROI in content marketing not only helps verify the effectiveness of your efforts but also enables optimization for future campaigns.
  • To calculate ROI, you need to determine the revenue and costs generated by your content marketing activities.
  • A negative ROI indicates that you should improve the quality of your content and consider whether it is being appropriately distributed.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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