How to come up with a company name?

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The question of how to come up with a company name always arises when starting a new business. This is not a simple activity – especially since the name of the company is usually the first piece of information that a potential customer encounters. It is therefore important to make a reasonable choice, especially in terms of marketing.

What should the company name be characterized by?

The history of business has several mishaps related to the names of companies or products. The most interesting examples can be found in companies expanding their operations to other countries and car concerns. The latter often had to change the names of new cars when it turned out that in some country a given word meant something inappropriate.


This was the fate of, among others, Chevrolet, whose model “Nova” in Spanish pronunciation simply means … “does not go” 🙂 Admittedly, this is not the best name for a car.

And although we got used to brands such as OSRAM or Kupska, we cannot say without a doubt that the CEOs wanted to evoke such associations. An effective company name can not only inform about the industry or products offered, but also arouse emotions or suggest specific thoughts. Therefore, people who would like to start their own business have certainly often wondered how to come up with a company name.

What to do to attract attention and inspire confidence? There are several answers – it is worth following them, because an effective company name can bring a lot of benefits.


Companies whose names attract attention are more likely to be remembered by the customer.

This, in turn, will lead to increased profits as the brand is more likely to be chosen by consumers. An interesting, creative and unique name will surely be remembered.


An effective company name should refer directly to the services provided by the company.

Uniqueness is equally important so that the company is not confused with another business. Before you decide on your company name, it is worth checking whether there is a similar one on the market.


A method that is often used in naming companies is to use simple words and associations.

Consumers increasingly value authenticity when choosing service providers. Just one word as a brand name can be enough to achieve business success.

Effective company name

In addition to the tips listed above, which are worth following when naming a company, you should also remember about advertising content. Using original advertising slogans or slogans that will be clearly associated with a given brand is very important. In such a situation, it is worth considering cooperation with a copywriter.

Should it contain a key phrase?

Often, before using the services of a given company, we look for information about it on the Internet. Finding these messages is possible thanks to the content on the website.

In terms of e-marketing, it is worth considering whether it would be possible for the key phrase to be… the company name itself! If the wording is appropriate and the Internet domains are free, nothing stands in the way of using just such a solution. Thanks to this, the page will rank much faster for such a phrase.

You don’t have to look far for examples – it is our Content Writer agency.


  • The name of the company should be simple, catchy and – if possible – referring to the offer provided.
  • Despite this, coming up with an original and relevant name for the company requires a lot of creativity.
  • In the absence of an idea, it is worth asking for help from copywriters.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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