The most common SEO text mistakes you need to avoid

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Google’s algorithms set their expectations a few years ago, but mistakes in SEO texts still happen. Incorrect content can be counterproductive, degrading the positioning of the page. Therefore, find out what you need to avoid to create effective texts that increase organic traffic.

Errors in SEO texts

The technique of positioning with content has changed over the last few years. Those who have not kept up with the times still make glaring mistakes that prevent them from gaining a visible position in the search engine. Let’s analyze the most popular of them.

Too many keywords

In early 2011, Google created the official Panda algorithm, which was supposed to punish low-quality texts while promoting valuable information.

Since then, the specificity of the content has changed drastically. Pretzels fell into disuse, as did low-quality background texts. In turn, substantive expert articles came to the fore, which are a powerful foundation for SEO.

No formatting

The use of headings and boldface is very important to inform search engines which words and fragments are particularly important.

In addition, these are activities that increase the readability of the text, which affects the comfort of users. Additional performance of internal linking is also helpful, as it facilitates navigation on the website and facilitates access to other interesting content.

Substantive content is the basis of positioning, but do not forget about the “form” in which it is found.

Too short content

Valuable information is key, but length is just as important.

Remember that texts for SEO compete with competing websites for “usability for recipients”, and a large amount of content is usually a good testimony for algorithms.

Of course, the optimal length depends on the key phrase. The more general the word, the greater the competition, and thus the more demanding texts.

Already 3000-5000 words can ensure a top position for niche key phrases. General topics require content that oscillates around 10,000-15,000 words. Of course, visibility is influenced by a number of other factors, such as domain age, incoming links or page structure. Nevertheless, the topic of length cannot be neglected, as it is a key element in the fight for higher positions.

No meta texts

If you do not provide a meta title and meta description, Google will generate the text automatically. This significantly reduces the click-through rate, and at the same time SEO. For this reason, take care of attractive descriptions that will encourage users to enter the page and read the content.


  • The most common errors in SEO texts concern key phrases, formatting and length. You should pay special attention to these elements, as each weak link affects the visibility potential.
  • An effective text for SEO is characterized by exhaustive content, as well as a clear and transparent structure.
  • Only after taking care of these foundations can you move on to formatting and keywords that complete the whole thing, maximizing the effects of positioning.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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