Similar Google Searches: how to use them in SEO and marketing?

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Similar searches in Google have been an integral part of the popular service for years. The algorithms of the American company index the content available on the web, connecting it with the entered phrases. Thanks to this, Google is able to predict your interest in topics revolving around the target keyword. However, this feature not only helps browser users. Find out how to use similar searches in SEO and marketing!

What are similar searches on Google?

Similar searches in Google are a list of phrases entered in the browser by other people in the context of the topic you are searching for.

In most cases, it appears at the bottom of the page. The phrases located directly below the search results are used by copywriters, SEO specialists, and marketing professionals. Similar searches also help users! Related thematic keywords allow for a comprehensive approach to the topic and provide insights from the perspective of other internet users.

For example, searches frequently entered by users interested in SEO include:

  • How to search using keywords?
  • What helps in finding information on the Internet?
  • How does a search engine work?

How does Google match similar searches?

Google continuously scans the internet using its specialized algorithm called Googlebot. The purpose of this activity is to match the phrases entered by users with the content of web pages. As a result, the article you are reading can appear in the search engine when the keyword “Similar searches in SEO” is entered.

Based on the information gathered by the algorithm, Google can connect phrases X with the most frequently entered phrases Y by the same users. This results in similar searches displayed at the bottom of the popular service.

Related searches and SEO

The similar searches visible at the bottom are among the main areas of interest for copywriters, content writers, and SEO specialists. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to activities focused on increasing a website’s visibility on Google. Due to this, SEO directly influences the sales of the offered products.

Similar searches provide a specific and free database of keyword phrases that align with Google’s algorithms. Keywords entered by other users can be incorporated on the homepage, in product descriptions, or blog articles. Similar searches are often referred to as long-tail keywords, as they precisely reflect the intentions of the user and potential customer.

Related Google searches in marketing

Similar searches in Google are used not only in the context of keyword phrases. Related queries provide marketers with a broader understanding of customer expectations and needs. Expanding services to include aspects covered in similar searches can have an incredible impact on sales. Internet users’ activity serves as a source of inspiration for marketers. A company that utilizes a database of similar searches remains in constant contact with audience preferences.

Similar Searches vs. Web Users

Similar searches on Google are used primarily by ordinary web users! Similar phrases give a comprehensive look at the topic and resources of the search engine. The offered function facilitates the assimilation of the most important information. Similar searches allow you to expand on a given topic and get the most relevant results.

Autocomplete vs similar searches

Autocomplete and similar searches are often treated as synonymous expressions.

Both Google functions indicate the search queries related to the entered phrase that are sought by internet users. However, similar searches are selected based on different principles than the search suggestions provided while typing. Unlike autocomplete, they do not necessarily have to contain the exact phrase entered by the users.

AnswerThePublic – analysis of similar searches

AnswerThePublic is the most popular tool for finding similar searches in Google. The service allows for free analysis of a few phrases per day, presenting dozens of keyword combinations and questions formulated by other users. Although AnswerThePublic is based on the autocomplete function, the phrases entered by internet users are very similar to similar searches.

AnswerThePublic also provides data such as:

  • Search difficulty: An indicator that informs about the difficulty of ranking a website for a particular keyword.
  • Search volume: The number of searches for a specific keyword on a monthly scale.
  • Cost per click (CPC): The cost of acquiring a single visit to a promoted website.
  • Paid difficulty: An indicator that determines the competition for a specific keyword in paid search results.


  • Similar searches are a list of phrases related to the keyword you entered in Google. They serve as a long-tail keyword base that aligns with Google’s algorithms.
  • Similar searches in Google provide marketers with a broader understanding of customer expectations and needs.
  • Similar phrases give users a comprehensive view of the topic and the resources available on Google. They make the search experience more intuitive.
  • AnswerThePublic is the most popular tool for searching long-tail keywords.

Owen Mantz

Owen Mantz is a freelance copywriter and the COO of Content Writer USA. He has worked with both startups and Fortune 500 companies, helping them increase leads, sales, and customer retention rates.

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